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At Her Boss's Pleasure

Page 23

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‘You had to bail them out?’

‘They misguidedly thought that the well would never run dry.’

‘So you gave up your dreams of being a doctor for a...a more profitable lifestyle...?’

‘Don’t get carried away, Kate. Being in my position is hardly a hardship.’

‘No...but money doesn’t really matter, does it?’

‘Is that why you spend every second being a businesswoman in an attempt to advance your career and get financially stable? What did I tell you about hypocrisy...? Tut-tut...’

Kate reddened. Standing over her, he was so damned tall, overwhelming her with his physicality. Her mouth dried. She couldn’t tear her fascinated gaze away from him. She was suddenly conscious of her bare legs, the small dress, of the heat racing through her body inflaming her pulse, tightening the buds of her nipples into hard, pointed peaks.

‘Now, here’s the strategic difference between us,’ Alessandro drawled softly.

She had propped herself up against the pillows and he took his time following the long, slender lines of her body before leaning down, palms flat on the bed, so that his face was only inches away from hers.

‘I haven’t abandoned having fun in favour of some never-never dream of perfection that won’t be happening.’

‘I haven’t done that!’

‘No? So when was the last time you had sex?’

Just like that the room shrank to the size of a cardboard box and breathing became difficult. Her heart was beating so hard that she could almost hear it. When she opened her mouth the professional woman with an agenda not to be affected by him had vanished. In her place was a woman in the grip of desire, a woman with needs—a woman who could feel those needs in the liquid moistening between her thighs, dampening her underwear.

‘I... Well...’

‘When was the last time you just let go, Kate...? Here’s what I’m thinking... Tonight was probably the first time in years that you went out in something other than the sort of clothes someone’s great-aunt would be proud to be seen in...’

‘That’s not fair,’ she whispered, stung because it was true—horribly, mortifyingly true.

‘It may not be fair, but it’s true. When was the last time you felt anything but a need to work, so that you can avoid ending up in the same pickle your mother did? It’s a dry life.’


‘Dry, sterile... You’re hiding away from emotion, waiting for the Big Thing to happen, and in the meantime life’s passing you by.’

‘It’s not all about sex...’

He didn’t answer. He didn’t have to.

She could read the intent in his eyes and she knew that he was going to kiss her—and she wanted him to. She wanted him to with every fibre of her sex-starved being...even if it made no sense.

His mouth covered hers, and it wasn’t with the possessive hunger of a man who wanted to take without giving. No, it was a slow, lazy, lingering kiss...a melding of tongues that had her whimpering. She linked her fingers behind his neck and drew him to her—only to pull back and look at him with huge, bewildered eyes.

‘We shouldn’t be doing this,’ she whispered huskily.

What a joke! She still had her hands behind his head and her body was still leaning towards his.

Tell me about it, Alessandro thought. This was probably the last thing he should be doing. But for the first time in his life his control had slipped and he had no intention of trying to claw it back. He was so turned on that he could barely think clearly. He wanted to feel her hand on his erection, feel her rubbing him, licking him, taking him into her mouth...

Instead they were both still fully clothed, and it was driving him crazy.

‘It’s better to do the things we know we shouldn’t do than live an empty life resisting all temptation,’ he husked. ‘But if you want me to stop...’

‘I don’t even approve of you...’

‘I know.’

He silenced her with another kiss, and this time it was hungry, urgent, demanding and utterly, utterly devastating.

She was barely aware of him getting onto the bed with her, or of him rearing up to strip off his shirt. She was too fascinated by the sight of his bare torso...bronzed, broad-shouldered, every ripple of muscle defined.

She moaned and levered herself up, licked his stomach. It felt so decadent and so wanton that she could scarcely believe she’d done it. He flung back his head and she felt him suck in his breath. Lord, but that made her feel powerful.

Tentatively, she placed her hand on the bulge pushing against his trousers, and was thrilled when she heard him groan and felt him press her hand down hard.

‘Just...wait...’ Alessandro held his breath, gathering his scattered self-control, then released it in a long, slow hiss.

‘Wait for what?’

‘I...have never...been so close to doing the unthinkable...’

‘What’s that?’

Alessandro looked down at her flushed face and grinned with wicked enjoyment. ‘Coming before I want to—shall I show you what it feels like?’

His dark eyes were bold as they raked over her. She had no idea how he could do this, but she knew that he had done it before—looked at her and made her feel as though she was being touched, caressed.

So it was a bad idea. It didn’t make sense. It went against every principle she had ever held. Sex was not something to be given away lightly—it should be part of a developing relationship, a journey of discovery and exploration.

Alessandro Preda had about as much interest in journeys of discovery and exploration as a pirate sizing up his next conquest. See, take and move on was not the motto of the sensitive kind of guy she needed.

But, God, she wanted him. And wasn’t he right? She had been so busy building her secure little nest that she had forgotten there was a world out there—a world of experience and fun and adventure and...challenge.

Why shouldn’t she accept the challenge and go with the flow for the first time in her life?

‘I work for you...’

‘I think it’s too late for us to throw that into the mix...’

He straddled her and reached for the button on his trousers. One hundred per cent dominant alpha hundred per cent heartbreaker...

But she was safe. Her heart could never be broken by a man like Alessandro Preda. Men like him had broken her mother’s heart time and again. Men like him led women on, led them astray, made them forget reason. Her lifetime’s work had been to make sure that she was emotionally immune to men like him. So what if it turned out in this instance that she wasn’t physically immune? She could deal with that...

This was living in the moment. It was something she had never done. And she was going to do it now because he was right. Regret would always make a bitter companion.


THE LITTLE SILKY nothing of a dress had ridden up her thighs as she lay sprawled on the bed, watching him with bated breath.

Still straddling her, not taking his eyes off her heated face, he reached behind him without looking and cupped her between her legs.

She was melting. When he moved his hand, pressing down, she moaned and her eyelids fluttered. She was wet. She let her legs go limp, inviting him, and he took advantage of the invitation to slip his hand under her damp panties so that he could rub two fingers gently, insistently, finding the throbbing nub of her clitoris and making her gasp with pleasure.

‘You like what I’m doing to you?’ he murmured.

She nodded, dazed, hardly able to believe that this was her—sensible, practical, ever-watchful Kate Watson, who had always planned her life right down to the very last detail, who had never allowed herself to get swept up in anything she couldn’t control.

She moved against his questing fingers, groaning softly, feeling the waves of pleasure beginning to rise to a crest.

‘Not like this...’ she managed to croak, in a voice she didn’t recognize, and he withdrew his fingers immediately, leaving her aching down there. ‘Beast.’ She smiled at the wicked glint in his eyes.

‘I’ll let you do the same to me,’ Alessandro soothed. ‘Sometimes it works...getting so close to the finishing line and not being able to cross makes the eventual crossing so much more thrilling...’

He eased his big body off the bed and took his time removing his clothes. He found that his hands were unsteady, his pulse racing, and he was momentarily confused... Because this had never happened to him in his life before. He couldn’t remember ever having to struggle against a desire to come before the time was right. When it came to making love he had always had the ultimate control over his body.

Not now.

Now he knew that if she touched him down there, in all the ways he wanted her to, he would ejaculate. He would have to take his time, move slowly, and whilst it wasn’t his style to rush, this time rushing was exactly what he wanted to do.

This loss of control was...destabilizing. It made him feel like someone tipping over the edge as they bungee-jumped into the unknown.

Her eyes were on him, fascinated, apprehensive, weirdly shy, as he stood in front of her clad only in his boxers.

‘Like what you see?’

Kate nodded, her mouth dry. Like? That word didn’t begin to sum up what she was feeling. The man was the ultimate in physical perfection. How was that even possible for someone who spent the majority of his time on a plane, or behind a desk, or clutching a cell phone...?

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