Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3) - Page 49

He’d been under her nose for days and it was slowly driving her crazy and now he wanted to spend the evening with her, too? And nine o’clock would mean eating dinner by moonlight and that was far too romantic.

She didn’t do romantic.

“You’ve done a great job on the deck but it’s teeming with people getting ready for Saturday and frankly—”

“I didn’t mean this deck. I’ve had enough of staring at this deck. I meant your deck. At Heron Lodge.”

Her deck?

Her territory. That was even more dangerous.

He was killing her excuses one by one, cutting them down as if they were trees in the forest blocking his path. And he did it with a smiling charm that assaulted her willpower and left her mind reeling.

Because she knew people were listening, she stepped out onto the deck so that there was no chance they could be overheard. “That’s kind of you, but I really don’t think—”

“Nine o’clock.” He turned and walked away from her, treating her to a glorious full-on view of those wide muscular shoulders.

“Holy crap, that man is smoking-hot.” Poppy breathed from behind her. “I think I need a doctor.”

* * *


ARING FROM the speakers, Sean drove into the village and picked up the food he wanted, along with a bunch of flowers for his grandmother. Traffic was heavy on the way back to Snow Crystal and he sat in a queue for a while, watching tourists take photographs of the pretty covered bridge with the forest and mountains in the background.

He couldn’t get his grandfather’s words out of his head.

It’s possible for someone to look perfect on the outside but have a lot of damage under the surface.

Back home he found Jackson hunched over a laptop, staring at a spreadsheet. Maple was curled up asleep at his feet.

Sean glanced at him on the way to the fridge. “Does it add up?”

“Nothing ever adds up in this place.”

“But it’s getting better. You’ve still got the regulars coming back. Brenna’s outdoor program seems popular. I can’t believe how much little Sam has grown.”

“Yeah, he’s a great kid. I remember the year Gramps gave him those little skis Tyler had when he was three. His face was a picture.” Jackson adjusted a couple of numbers. “So how is the deck going? Banged a nail through your finger yet?”

“It’s done.”

Jackson looked up. “I thought you were making it last.”

“Gramps was onto me.”

Jackson leaned back with a grin. “Good to know his brain isn’t damaged. So I bet that was a lively conversation. Did he tell you to leave?”

“No. I got the usual lecture. I should spend more time here. The place is about tradition and families. You know how he is. Puts on the pressure. He did the same thing to Dad all the time.”

Jackson’s smile was replaced with a frown. “Sean—”

Before he could finish speaking the door opened and Kayla walked in. “Honey, I’m home.” Her singsong voice was loaded with suggestive humor. “The interview went well. Prepare yourself for— Oh—” She broke off, embarrassed, as she noticed Sean. “Hi. I didn’t know you were here. Sorry.”

Relieved she’d interrupted because the last thing he wanted was to have a conversation about his father, Sean smiled at her. “Don’t mind me.”

Her blond hair was fastened in a clip on top of her head and she was wearing heels and a pencil skirt. She looked sleek and professional.

New York, Sean thought. Not Snow Crystal.

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024