Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3) - Page 59

“Low enough to catch a man’s attention, not low enough to get her arrested.”

Élise sighed. “Brenna is always pretty but tonight she looks as if she doesn’t want to be noticed.”

“She’s never comfortable in this sort of social situation. She’d rather be sitting in the bar chatting to guests.”

“I like Josh. I think they make a nice couple.”

“Yes. There’s only one thing that spoils it and that’s the fact that she’s in love with Tyler. If I get a moment I’m going to bash him over the head with something hard.” Kayla walked off to greet another arrival and Élise intercepted Poppy who was circulating with plates of food.

“How is it going?” She tasted one of the delicate mushroom pastries she’d perfected days earlier, this time in miniature version.

“It’s a hit,” Poppy said happily. “This is my fifth trip to the kitchen. And they love the corn cakes, the goat’s cheese with pine nuts and the calamari. I’m about to bring out the duck and the chicken wings with the maple glaze and I’ve called over to the Inn for more pizza for the kids. Most of it is in Sam’s stomach.”

Élise gave a nod of approval and was about to circulate again and judge for herself the reaction to the food when she saw Sean.

He was standing at the top of the steps, watching her.

Her heart lifted and swooped. Joy spread through her and she smiled before she could help herself, before she realized that her reaction should have been something different.

He smiled back and the smile was just for her, the curve of his lips slow and intimate. And with that smile came the panic.

She didn’t want to feel this way. She really didn’t.

If he asked her to dance, she was going to say no.

But he didn’t. Instead, he was swallowed up by the crowd and the connection was broken.

So was her concentration.

She couldn’t breathe. She felt dizzy.

“Élise?” Kayla was by her side, introducing her to various journalists and food writers she’d invited in the hope that the new Boathouse Café would receive positive media attention.

Somehow she managed to respond, answer their questions, enthuse about food and the importance of partnering with local farmers, all the time wondering where Sean was and whom he was dancing with.

Darkness fell, the setting sun hovering over the mountaintops like a child peeping over the bedcovers desperate to squeeze every last moment from a perfect day, and finally she glimpsed him across the deck, dancing with Brenna.

“Dance?” Walter stood beside her. He was looking better by the day but she still ached with worry for him and she knew today had been a long one for him.

“I’m a little tired. Shall we sit down together for a minute?”

“What you mean is that you’re worried I’m tired.” He gave a grunt. “Stop protecting me.”

“Je t’adore, Walter. You are very special to me.”

His expression softened. “Then would you do me a favor?”

“Bien sûr. For you, anything. Just name it.”

“When my grandson asks you to dance, don’t refuse.”

“Tyler is too busy with his harem to even notice me.”

“I’m not talking about Tyler.”

Her heart pumped a little harder. “Me, I am not a very good dancer.”

“You’re a liar. I know you love dancing but you never do it. Tonight, you’re going to dance.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024