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Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3)

Page 75

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On the morning of the trek, she met him at the Outdoor Center.

“For goodness’ sake take bug repellent.” Tyler handed her a bag. “And wear long sleeves and long pants the whole time. It’s the middle of summer so there are a whole load of biting bugs out there. Luckily you’ve mostly missed blackfly season. That’s a real joy.”

“You can walk ahead of me.” Élise pushed the food into her backpack. “That way they can take a mouthful of you and maybe they won’t be so hungry.”

“I’m not going.” He helped her with the backpack. “Family of six want to explore the mountain bike trails and I’m their guide. We can’t turn down that sort of money.”

“No, of course you can’t. So is Jackson going to—?”

“Sean.” Tyler pulled the backpack closed and fastened it. “Shocking though it may sound, my lightweight, city-loving brother is going to do it.”

Her mouth dried. “Sean?”

Tyler gave her a sympathetic look. “Scary, I know, but believe it or not he used to know this trail really well. And look at it this way—if he can’t save you from being attacked by a bear because he’s worried about protecting his shoes and his suit, he can at least put you back together afterward. Don’t look so terrified.” He misinterpreted the look on her face. “You’re not likely to see a bear. They’re pretty nervous of humans, although once they get a whiff of your cooking that might change. Just kidding.”

Sean was coming with her?

She hadn’t seen him since that night when she’d fallen asleep on the sofa and woken to find he’d carried her upstairs.

“I thought he was in Boston.”

“According to Jackson he’s suddenly been filled with a brotherly urge to help out.” Tyler shrugged. “We’re pretty busy around here so none of us are about to argue. You two are going to check the route, cook that food, camp overnight and then let me know if we need to make any changes to the plan before these soft city folk arrive here.”

“I gather two of them are women.”

“That’s right.” Tyler grinned. “I’m planning to arrange a bear encounter so they decide to snuggle in my tent.”

Despite the feelings churning around inside her, Élise laughed. “Is Brenna going with you?”

“She is.” Tyler reached out and adjusted the straps on her backpack. “It’s important that the weight is in the right place or you’ll be uncomfortable. And if it gets too heavy give it to my big brother to carry, it will do him good.”

“So you’ll be sleeping with the women, which means that Brenna will be sleeping with the men? And one of them owns the company, no? So he is probably very rich.” The humor in Tyler’s face faded.

“Brenna will be in her own tent.”

“Aren’t you worried she’ll be afraid of the bears?”

“Brenna isn’t afraid of anything. You should have seen her as a kid. She climbed everything we climbed, skied everything we skied. Wherever we were, she was right there, too.”

And still is, Élise thought. But you don’t notice her.

She wondered if the camping trip would change that.

But she didn’t have time to dwell on that idea because she saw a flash of red and heard the throaty roar of the engine, announcing Sean’s arrival.

Tyler put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Are you all right with this plan?”

She was touched that he’d asked.

Touched that he cared.

It was yet another reason to love this place and the people in it.

“I’m fine with it. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because my brother has his eyes on your sexy ass. If he tries anything, just punch him. He’s a soft city boy. No muscle or backbone.”

She knew that wasn’t true. She’d seen those muscles.

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