Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3) - Page 88

He wanted Sam’s father away so that he couldn’t make things worse.

“We’ll walk down the trail and meet them.” Almost stumbling because her own legs were wobbly, she took his arm and steered him gently away. “It will speed things up if they see us. Sean has this under control. Come with me.”

This time Sean didn’t look up and she didn’t expect him to.

He was trying to save the boy and nothing, nothing was more important than that.

And Élise knew that if the child died it wouldn’t be because Sean O’Neil hadn’t done everything he could.

* * *

“BOTH HIS PARENTS are here now. The surgeon is just talking to them and they’ll be able to see Sam real soon. I guess you can go, Dr. O’Neil. You’re the hero of the hour.” The nurse was pretty, her smile interested.

Sean didn’t even notice. His eyes were on the child who lay pale and still in the bed. It had been the longest six hours of his life. “I’ll stay until he wakes up.”

“You don’t have to.” The nurse eyed him. “Do you want to change? Your clothes are covered in blood. I could put them in a bag and lend you some scrubs.”

“I’m fine.” What the hell did it matter what he was wearing? The boy had almost died and she was worrying about a few bloodstains on his clothes?

“I have a place near here if you want somewhere private to wash and change.”

As invitations went, it couldn’t have been more blatant.

If he’d had more energy he would have laughed.

Who did she think he was? A superhero?

After the emotional pressure of the past six hours, the crazy ambulance ride, the life-or-death rush to the operating room, if someone showed him a bed he’d fall asleep instantly. The whole of the Boston ballet could have danced naked across the room and he wouldn’t have noticed.

He was wrecked.

And then he saw Élise standing in the doorway and his heart lifted.

But instead of the warm look that should have followed the night they’d spent together and the drama they’d shared, her eyes were blank. The expression on her pretty face was frozen. Those green eyes that could start a fire with just a look, as cold as ice.

“I came to tell you that Sam’s parents are here.” Her tone was as cool as her eyes. “I drove them. They weren’t safe behind the wheel. His mother is naturally very anxious. The doctor is talking to them now.”

“Right.” What the hell was wrong with her? She must be in shock. This whole business with Sam had probably scared her to death. It had certainly terrified him.

“I have to go back now. The restaurant is full this evening and I can’t leave them without help.”

“I’d offer to pitch in but I’m going to be tied up here for a while.”

“Of course you are.” Her smile was thin. “I don’t suppose you’ll be able to get away for quite some time.”

He assumed she was referring to Sam. “Yeah. Well, I might see you later.”

“I doubt it. I’ll be working and then you’ll be back in Boston. Good night, Sean.”

She took a last long look at Sam and for a moment her gaze softened. Then she turned and walked out, closing the door quietly behind her.

He had a feeling he was missing something, but he was too tired to work out what it was.

* * *

ÉLISE COOKED, SMILED, served almost a hundred people and tried not to think of Sean tangled up with the pretty nurse.

She’d seen the smile.

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024