Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3) - Page 93

“I noticed this.” Tyler pushed the

new wheel down into the frame. “This was our brother. Dr. Cool. He was walking along the lake trail from Heron Lodge.”

Absorbing the implications, Jackson straightened, Janet Carpenter forgotten. “I’ll kill him.”

“Judging from his somewhat rumpled appearance, I’d say someone already tried to do that. He’d taken a swim in the lake and I’m guessing it wasn’t voluntary.” Tyler caught his finger in the spokes and cursed.

“He is spending far too much time with Élise. Shit, you’re bleeding. After yesterday, I never want to see blood again. Clean it up.”

“Your sympathy overwhelms me.” Tyler dealt with the blood and then reattached the brakes, his fingers swift and skillful. “That’s what I find interesting. Every time I turn around, he’s right there panting over her. When has he ever spent time with one woman before?”

“I don’t care who he pants over as long as it isn’t Élise. You know what Sean is like. When it comes to women, he’s trouble.”

“Maybe. Maybe that’s why she pushed him in the lake.” Tyler wiped his brow with his forearm. “But looking at his face, I’d say he was the one in trouble this time. Knowing the way Élise feels about relationships, he might be about to be served a spoonful of his own medicine.”

Jackson frowned. “You really think it’s serious?”

“No idea.” Tyler spun the wheel, checking it. “But he’s spent more time here in the last few weeks than he has in the last few years. Of course, that could be because of Gramps, but seeing as Gramps is looking healthier than you, I doubt it.”

Jackson muttered under his breath. “You’re still bleeding.”

“I’m done here.” Tyler turned the bike the right way up, spun the wheel and nodded with satisfaction. Then he swung his leg over the bike and rode it in a circle, testing the brakes.

“You are four times too tall for that bike. You look like something out of a circus.”

“Not letting the kid back on it until I’m sure everything works.” Tyler gave the brakes a final squeeze and sprang off. “Good as new.”

“I wish the same could be said for Sam. Every time I think of it I break out in a sweat.”

“He’ll be all right thanks to Dr. Cool.”

“Yeah. Shit. How the hell can I be angry when he does something like that?” Jackson rubbed his hand over his face, thinking of the alternatives. “If Sean hadn’t been passing—”

“He was and that’s the end of it. And he does stuff like that because he’s trained to do it. Don’t look impressed or he’ll be unbearable and then I’ll be forced to dunk him in the lake. We don’t want to be accused of pollution. You know what an eco warrior Gramps is. Come to think of it, you’re the same.”

Jackson stared at the mountains, remembering how calm Sean had always been in every crisis they’d had growing up. “Maybe he is trained, but he’s still damned good at it.”

“I’m not arguing with that. I’m going to wash this bike and then deliver it back to Sam’s family. Not that Sam will be riding it for a while from what I’ve heard. Weren’t they due to go home tomorrow?”

“We’ve given them the cabin for another week. Sam isn’t well enough to travel. First time I’ve been grateful we’re half-empty.”

“When he’s up and about I might give him a few lessons,” Tyler said casually and Jackson stared at him.

“You? Teach kids mountain biking? You’d die of boredom before you left the resort.”

His brother shrugged. “Exceptions can be made. It would be a shame if the fall put him off mountain biking.”

Jackson thought about what it would mean to Sam to get a chance to go mountain biking with his gold-medal-winning brother. “That’s good of you.”

Tyler looked alarmed. “Maybe don’t mention it to anyone. It’s not going to be a habit.”

“Fine.” Hiding a smile, Jackson stooped and cleared up the tools. He glanced at the bike, which looked as good as new. “And Tyler, thanks.”

“No problem. I can’t fix the kid, but I can fix the bike and one out of two isn’t so bad.”

* * *

ÉLISE BARELY SLEPT. Instead, she lay awake, reliving the events of the day before, blood merging with red lipstick in her aching head until dawn sent beams of light through her bedroom.

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024