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Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers 3)

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Élise tried to speak but her voice wouldn’t work. She stooped and picked Maple up, needing the comfort. Then she tried again.

“I— He isn’t coming.” It was such a faint croak that for a moment she thought no one had heard, but then Alice patted the chair next to her.

“Of course he’s coming, honey. He promised he’d be here. We saw his car just half an hour ago. We’re all so excited. It’s the first time Sean has been here for family night since Christmas. I just love having the whole family together.”

Elizabeth tipped crisp roast potatoes into a dish. “He’s probably taking a phone call from the hospital. You know what he’s like. Jess, I need another mat for the table, sweetheart. And some napkins.”

Tyler pulled a face. “I never understood the point of napkins.”

They weren’t listening to her. They were all so excited at the prospect of Sean’s arrival, they weren’t paying any attention.

She tried again, and this time her voice was louder. “He isn’t coming. He’s driving back to Boston.” She sank into the vacant chair, still holding Maple. The dog licked her palm and gazed up at her with warm caramel eyes, sensing her misery.

“But that just doesn’t make sense.” Alice looked puzzled. “Why would he come home and then drive back again?”

Because of her.

She was the reason.

But what was she supposed to say? He told me he loved me, but I don’t love him?

“I’m sorry.”

There was a disappointed silence and then Elizabeth forced a smile. “Well, I don’t know why you’re apologizing. It’s not your fault.”

It was her fault.

This time it was all her fault.

She was the reason he wasn’t here with his family.

She’d driven a wedge between them and she’d never, ever intended for that to happen. She should have stopped him from walking away. Instead of allowing him to leave, she should have left. She should have made an excuse about being too busy in the restaurant, and encouraged him to spend the time with his family.

She’d ruined everything.

“Do you think something bad has happened?” Alice was looking troubled. “Perhaps Jackson should call him. He said he was going to be here. He doesn’t normally say that. We were all looking forward to it. Jackson, you should definitely call him. Something might be wrong.”

Something was wrong, Élise thought. She’d hurt him.

Jackson pulled out his phone, dialed and then shrugged. “It’s going to voice mail.”

She felt like sliding under the table. Guilt showered her. This summer had finally mended the rift between Sean and his family. He should be here. He would have been here if it hadn’t been for what had happened between them. He deserved the support of his family and instead she was the one sitting here, soaking up the O’Neil warmth in her hour of misery.

“Stop fussing.” It was Walter who spoke, his voice firm. “He’s probably just been called back to the hospital, and didn’t have time to tell us. We all need to get on and eat. I’m starving.”

“Me, too.” Tyler reached for a plate. “I’m glad he’s not here. I’ll eat his portion. Just don’t expect me to use two napkins.”


p; Élise sat there, watching them all, these people who had taken her in and treated her like a member of the family. None of them had any idea that she was the reason Sean wasn’t here.

Jackson handed Tyler a beer. “Did you take that family out on the mountain bike trail? How did they get on?”

“They were good and the whole party returned alive with their limbs attached which is good since our resident surgeon has left us.” Tyler was about to put his feet up on the table when he caught his mother’s eye and rethought it. “Jess came, too, didn’t you, angel?”

Elizabeth’s eyes softened as she glanced at her granddaughter. “How was it, sweetheart?”

“It was fun.” Jess helped serve the food. “Except the mom couldn’t stop looking at my dad. That was pretty gross.”

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