Single Father, Wife Needed - Page 12

‘Of course. You make yourself comfortable and I’ll go and fetch you a drink of water. It’s important to drink plenty when you’re feeding, especially when the weather is as hot as it is today.’

Evanna walked through to the kitchen, fetched a glass of water and returned to the sitting room.

‘I’m trying to start on a different side each time, like you told me. Ouch.’ Lucy winced as the baby’s mouth closed over her nipple and Evanna put the glass down on the table and walked over to help.

‘She needs more of your breast in her mouth. What’s happening is that she’s just playing with your nipple, which is why you’re getting sore.’ Evanna gently repositioned the baby and watched closely as the little jaws clamped down again. ‘There. That’s better. Does that still hurt?’

‘No.’ Lucy gave a smile of relief. ‘Will you move in with me? I need you here for every feed.’

‘You’re doing brilliantly. In a few weeks’ time this will feel like second nature. Is she doing plenty of wet and dirty nappies?’

‘Oh, yes.’

‘And are you bleeding much now?’

Lucy shook her head. ‘Just spots, you know? Nothing dramatic.’

‘Good. We’ll just let her finish feeding and then I’ll examine you. I want to feel the height of your uterus just to check that it’s contracting properly.’

Evanna stayed another hour, answered a non-stop stream of questions from Lucy, satisfied herself that all was well and then finally made her way back to her cottage.

It was hard not to feel envious of Lucy’s happiness. Would it ever be her? Would she ever be settled with a man that loved her and a baby of her own?

Reminding herself that she had a great deal to be thankful for, she let herself into her cottage and walked through to her kitchen to make herself supper.

‘That one’s perfect.’ Kyla stood back with her eyes narrowed and Evanna sighed.

‘It’s too short.’ And too expensive.

‘Too short for what? You have fantastic legs. Stop hiding them under jeans.’

Evanna stared down at herself self-consciously. ‘I’m too old for a dress this short.’

‘You’re twenty-six! And you still look like a teenager. Stop making excuses.’ Kyla was laughing as she grabbed a pair of shoes. ‘Try these. They’d look great with that dress.’

‘I wouldn’t be able to walk in them.’

‘You don’t need to walk,’ Kyla said airily, riffling through the rails again and pulling out a scarlet top. ‘You can park right outside and just teeter up the path. All you need to do is turn up and look gorgeous. And these would look nice with your jeans on a different occasion so you’ll get plenty of wear out of them.’

Evanna gave up arguing and slid her feet into the shoes. ‘I’ll break my ankle.’

‘Don’t be so negative. Take a look at yourself in the mirror.’

Evanna stepped forward with a sigh. ‘I just don’t feel comfortable in anything this short. I’m going to spend my whole evening tugging the—’ She broke off as she stared at her reflection. ‘Oh.’

‘Yes, oh.’ Kyla’s grin was triumphant as she stretched out a hand and removed the clip from Evanna’s hair. ‘And you don’t need that. Time to let your hair down, Cinderella.’

Evanna’s dark curls tumbled over her shoulders. ‘I look a mess.’

‘You look sexy,’ Kyla breathed. ‘Incredibly sexy. If Logan doesn’t notice you as a woman dressed like that, I’m willing to admit defeat.’

Evanna stared at herself, forced to admit that she did look good. In fact, she looked better than good. The dress skimmed her figure, hinting at curves rather than clinging, and it suited her colouring. She smiled and shook her head. ‘This is far too glamorous for a barbecue in the garden.’

‘It’s perfect. Why are you inventing excuses?’

Evanna was silent for a moment and then she let out a long breath. ‘Because I’m scared?’ She turned to look at her friend and the smile on her face faltered. ‘I’m scared that I’m just setting myself up for yet another knock.’

‘You’re perfect for each other,’ Kyla said softly, all the humour gone from her face. ‘Any day now he’s going to wake up and realise that.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025