Single Father, Wife Needed - Page 20

Evanna felt her heart rate double. ‘I’d better go and say hello.’

‘You do that. And watch that dress.’

Evanna caught Kyla’s whispered ‘Nice cleavage’, took a deep breath and plucked up courage to walk across the lawn.

‘Hello, Kirsty,’ she said, clasping the raspberry-stained fist in hers and giving it a swift kiss. ‘No need to ask what you’ve been eating.’

Kirsty chortled with delight, a huge smile on her plump cheeks.

‘I’ve given up trying to keep her clean,’ Logan murmured, dropping a kiss onto his daughter’s silken blonde curls. ‘It’s a losing battle. I’ve decided that I’m just going to turn the hose onto her before she goes to bed.’

‘It’s a good job I know you’re joking.’ Evanna felt her heart hammer against her chest as he turned to look at her. His blue eyes were shielded by thick, dark lashes and her stomach flipped as she fell into that sleepy, masculine gaze.

Suddenly she felt agonisingly nervous.

What if he hated the way she looked? What if he thought she looked ridiculous? What if—?

He smiled at her. ‘I’m glad you came early.’

Didn’t he notice anything different about her? Evanna shook her head gently, allowing her smooth, shiny hair to spill over her shoulders.

Kirsty gave a delighted gurgle and immediately reached out and grabbed a handful.

‘Don’t pull Evanna’s hair,’ Logan drawled, prising the little girl’s fists open and giving Evanna an apologetic smile. ‘You know what she’s like with hair. Leaving it down was asking for trouble. You should have worn it in a ponytail, like you usually do.’

Evanna swallowed back her disappointment.

That was it?

That was all he was going to say?

That she should have worn her hair in a ponytail? ‘Yes,’ she croaked, ‘I probably should.’

Kyla stepped up to them, a bowl of plump, glossy black olives in her hand. ‘Olive, anyone? Doesn’t Evanna look fantastic with her hair like that, Logan? It’s stunning, Evanna. Really stunning. You should wear it down more often.’

‘Well, it certainly makes it easier for Kirsty to pull,’ Logan said absently, stretching out a hand and helping himself to an olive. ‘I’m going to put the baby to bed now. Then I’ll come down and cook. Did you know that Meg has offered Fraser free ice creams for the whole of the summer as a reward for his quick reactions last week?’

‘That’s a bit rash, isn’t it? I’ve seen how much that boy can put away.’ Kyla grinned and held out her arms to Kirsty. ‘Come to your Aunty Kyla. I’ll put her to bed. You chat to Evanna. You two never have time to talk properly and I’m sure you have lots to catch up on.’

Logan looked surprised. ‘All right, thanks. But I’m going to talk Evanna into making a salad while I get the barbecue going.’

‘Evanna is not making salad while she’s wearing that dress,’ Kyla said firmly, and Logan frowned slightly.

‘She could wear an apron.’

Kyla gritted her teeth. ‘Ethan is going to finish off the cooking. You two just spend a bit of time together.’ She walked off with the toddler in her arms and Logan watched her go.

‘Well, perhaps we should take her up on her offer. To be honest, I was trying to work out a way of getting you on your own before everyone else arrives. This seems like as good a time as any.’ He closed a hand on her arm and pulled her across the grass to the weeping willow. Green tentacles spilled downwards, providing shade and privacy.

His touch was firm and purposeful and Evanna felt her heart start to pound. What could he possibly want to say to her?

He pushed aside the soft curtain of leaves and led her into the cool, shaded centre of the tree. Although they were still in the middle of the garden, it felt secluded and private and suddenly Evanna started to shiver. Trapped in such an intimate atmosphere, she was acutely aware of him and she couldn’t look away. He was a strong man in every sense and that strength showed in the rugged planes of his handsome face and the easy, confident way he dealt with everyone on the island.

‘L-little Jason is d-doing really well,’ she stammered. ‘I called in to see them in their holiday cottage. The hospital kept him in for a few days and then sent him home so they were able to continue their holiday. I gave them some advice on the baby. I think she was just hot and uncomfortable, that’s why she was crying so much. They were putting too many layers on her and not giving her enough fluid.’

‘You’re a genius.’ Logan leaned his shoulders against the wide trunk of the tree. ‘It always amazes me how little thought people give to the weather. I stopped the car this morning to tell a couple to put sun cream on their baby.’

‘What did they say?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025