Single Father, Wife Needed - Page 63


‘It doesn’t make sense, does it? You’re going to ask me why I suddenly know I love you when you’ve always been in my life. Why haven’t I felt it before? And I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t know why I haven’t realised it before.’

‘You loved Catherine.’

‘Yes, I did.’ His voice was soft. ‘I won’t lie to you about that. I did love Catherine. But she’s gone. And now I’m in love with you. I’m crazy about you and I can’t let you leave the island. You told me that I should grab happiness and I agree with you. But you’re my happiness, Evanna.’

She struggled to speak. ‘Logan…’ Her voice shook and she tried again. ‘I’ve dreamed about you for so long—wanted you for so long…’

‘I never knew. I never knew that you felt like that.’ He gave a groan and lowered his mouth to hers, his kiss warm and insistent. Then he lifted his head just enough to speak. ‘I must be blind and stupid. Will you marry me?’

How could it happen? How could a person go from misery to happiness in one bound? ‘It’s too soon—you need time to think about things.’

He shook his head. ‘Evanna, I’ve known you for twenty-six years. How much more time do you think I need? Will you be my wife? Will you be a mother to my daughter?’


Tears filled her eyes. ‘I’ve wanted this for so long I can’t believe that it’s true.’

‘Believe it.’ He muttered the words against her mouth. ‘And then say yes. You said that you wanted a home and a family, a man who loves you, here on Glenmore Island. You have it, Evanna. If you want it, it’s all yours.’

She slid her arms round his neck and buried her face in his neck. ‘I want it. I want everything.’ She lifted her head and melted into the heat of his kiss, excitement burning away the exhaustion and misery of the past few days. ‘I love you, Logan. I can’t believe you want me to be your wife and a mother to Kirsty. And your practice nurse.’

He gave a slow smile. ‘For now.’

‘What do you mean, for now?’

He kissed her once again. ‘You can be my practice nurse until I find you something better to do. I’m planning on keeping you fairly busy in the bedroom, Evanna MacNeil. We’re going to have a large family.’


‘Really.’ He brushed his lips over hers. ‘How many children is a good number, do you think? Nine? Ten?’

She giggled. ‘Ann Carne would have a fit if we gave her ten little MacNeil children to teach.’

His eyes gleamed. ‘We have a duty to maintain the population of rural communities.’

Evanna felt a warm glow of happiness. It felt as though someone had touched her dreams with a magic wand and turned them into reality. ‘You called me Evanna MacNeil. Have you any idea how many times I scribbled that name in my textbooks?’

‘Did you? Well, I’m glad to hear it.’ His mouth was still close to hers. ‘It means that you won’t need any practice writing it down once we’re married.’

Her heart jumped. ‘Married…’

‘Yes, married. I love you, Evanna Duncan MacNeil. Are you going to say yes to me?’

‘Yes.’ She smiled and smiled. ‘Yes. Yes. Yes-s-s.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025