Maybe This Christmas (O'Neil Brothers 2) - Page 35


He gestured with his head. “There is three feet of untracked snow out there waiting for us. You

should already have your feet in your boots.”

She knew plenty of locals, civilized people at all other times, who would kill each other to be first on the four-person chairlift up the mountain on a day like today. “There will be a line for first tracks.”

“All the more reason not to hang around. I’ll give you two minutes to get dressed.” He was wearing a hat pulled down low over his forehead, and his hands were thrust into the pockets of his coat. Judging from the stubble shadowing his jaw, he hadn’t wasted time shaving. His smile was sure and confident and she wondered if any woman had ever said no to him.

Awareness dragged low in her stomach. “We have a full day of work ahead.”

“All the more reason to make the most of the next few hours. Or you could go back to bed and have another hour of sleep if that’s what you prefer.” The gleam in his eyes told her he knew the answer to that.

“I wasn’t asleep.”

“I never had to work this hard to persuade you when we were teenagers. I smuggled you out of your window more than once.”

“That was a long time ago!” A lifetime. Before Janet. “We’re adults now. Responsible.”

“Too much responsibility is bad for a person. I’ll be responsible after 8:30 a.m. The whole mountain will have been messed up by then anyway, but for now I’m on my own time. Come on.” His voice was deep and persuasive. “If I have to spend my day skiing with people who don’t know a ski pole from the North Pole, the least you can do is let me have some fun with you first.”

Élise would have used that as an opening. Élise would have flirted, or maybe even dragged him over the threshold and back to the bed that was still warm from her body.

Maybe she should try.

“You could come in for a while,” she said casually, and he frowned.

“What would be the point in that? You haven’t turned into one of those women who takes ages to get dressed in the morning, have you? I remember you once pulling your ski pants on over your pajamas. I’ll wait here while you change.”

She felt the color rush into her cheeks. How were you supposed to flirt with a man when he didn’t even know you were flirting?

“Why me?” Her voice was a croak. “You could have skied with your brothers.”

“Too complicated and anyway,” his tone was ultra casual, “I enjoy skiing with you.”

It was the one thing they shared. The one thing she had that other women didn’t.

The ability to keep up with him.

“I’ll be out in two minutes.”

He gave a slow, sexy smile. “Make it one minute. We need to make the most of the quiet time. God knows there’s little enough of it round here with visitor numbers increasing.”

She understood, because she felt the same way. Like Tyler, she’d always rather be outdoors than indoors. “Where’s Jess?”

“She slept overnight at my mother’s. They were stocking the freezer for Christmas. There’s a strong chance school will be canceled this morning, and if it is, I’ll ski with her later. If not, Mom will take her to school. Now hurry up and get dressed before the rest of the village beats us to it.”

Trying not to read anything into the invitation, Brenna dressed quickly in her ski gear, grabbed what she needed for the day and joined him outside.

He drove to the base of the quad lift that carried four people at a time up the mountain. It had been replaced a few years previously, and the new lift had fewer problems with the ice and cold weather.

It was still dark and, despite her predictions, they were the first skiers on the lift.

Tyler brushed the snow from the seat, and Brenna settled next to him on the chair, her thigh pressing against his. They sat in silence, enjoying the slow glide of the lift as it carried them smoothly up the mountain. From here she had an aerial view of winter perfection. She looked down at the trees and narrow trails, mentally plotting a route, trying not to think about the pressure of his leg against hers.

It was bitterly cold, and she snuggled deeper inside her jacket, her shoulder resting against his.

How many times had they done this? Sat side by side watching the sun rise over the ridge, the light dazzling and dancing over the untouched surface of new snow, the ice crystals sparkling under the warm blue of the winter sky.

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024