Maybe This Christmas (O'Neil Brothers 2) - Page 70

He sat down across from her. “If we’re pushing the boundaries, you can start by telling me why you’re going out with Josh.”

“Uh, no—” she shook her head and then wished she hadn’t because it made the dizziness worse “—first you have to answer my question.”

There was a brief silence. “I don’t want commitment, so yes, I try and pick women who feel the same way.”

“Do you ever get it wrong?”


“Then they call you up and tell you they’re in love with you?”

“I try not to let things get that far.”

“So there hasn’t been a single woman you’ve liked enough to want to spend time with when she has her clothes on?”

He stared at her across the table. She kept waiting for him to look away, but he didn’t. The silence stretched on and on, but still he looked at her until her heart started to pound and her stomach felt squirmy. She was fairly sure what was going on in her body had nothing to do with the tequila.

“Ty? Are you going to answer?”

He stirred. “It’s your turn.”

“I can’t remember what you asked me.”

“Why are you dating Josh?”

“Isn’t it obvious? He’s hot. He’s also strong, steady and reliable. He should be perfect for me.”

“Should be?”

“Well, there is that tiny little drawback that I’m not in love with him, but most people don’t let that bother them so hey—” she took a mouthful of coffee “—I’m not going to let it bother me, either. Sex without emotion. I can do that.”

His jaw was firm. “No, you can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I know you. You’ll hate yourself.”

“Maybe I won’t.”

“You need to cancel that date.”

“I have no intention of canceling that date.”

He stood up suddenly, and the chair scraped on the floor. “You can’t have sex with him, Bren.”

“Are you telling me what I can and can’t do?”

“I’m offering friendly advice.”

“You don’t look friendly. You look as if you want to kill someone.”

“I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Funny—no one wants to see me hurt, but they’re the ones doing the hurting. If I want to have sex with Josh, then I will. And it will be my decision. But if you’re worried about Jess, don’t be. We can go back to his place.” She slid off the chair. “I’m glad we had this conversation. I feel I know you better. I’m going to bed now.”

“I’ll help you upstairs.”

“No need. I can manage.” She walked to the stairs and paused. “Do me a favor, Ty?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024