Summer Kisses - Page 12

Flora bit her lip. ‘Perhaps they did. But if that’s the case then it makes even less sense that he’s back. He couldn’t wait to get away from Glenmore the first time around and he stayed away for twelve years.’

‘Is it that long?’ Logan studied her face thoughtfully. ‘I haven’t been counting, but obviously you have.’

‘It was a wild guess,’ Flora muttered quickly, ‘but either way, it’s been a long time. And the question is, why has he picked this particular moment to come back?’

‘Why does it matter? If he turns out to be a lousy doctor, I’m the one who will pay the price. Or is there more to this than your concern for the reputation of Glenmore Medical Centre? Is this personal, Flora?’ Logan’s voice was gentle. ‘Is there something going on that I should know about?’

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ Flora rose to her feet swiftly, her heart pounding. ‘And I think it’s obvious to everyone that I’m not his type. I’ve never been attracted to unsuitable men.’ A painful lump sat in the pit of her stomach. He’d never looked at her. Not once.

‘Then you’re probably the only woman on the island who wasn’t,’ Logan said mildly, ‘if I recall correctly, Conner had quite a following, and the more reprehensible his behaviour, the bigger the following.’

‘I suppose some of the girls found him attractive because he was forbidden territory.’ Flora wished her heart would slow down. ‘I still can’t believe he’s a doctor.’

‘I know you can’t. You didn’t exactly hide your astonishment,’ Logan said dryly and Flora felt a twinge of guilt.

‘I didn’t mean to be rude but weren’t you surprised when you found out?’

‘No.’ Logan rolled his shoulders to ease the stiffness of sitting. ‘Conner always was ferociously clever.’

‘He hated school. He was barely ever there.’

‘And he still managed straight As in every subject. As I said—we all let him down. He was too clever to be trapped behind a desk and forced to learn in a prescribed pattern. People were too conventional to notice the brain behind the behavioural problems.’

Flora gave a puzzled frown. She’d never thought of it that way before. ‘Well, he obviously learned to study at some point. Where did he train, anyway?’

‘In the army.’

‘In the—’ Stunned, Flora swallowed. ‘He was in the army?’

‘Army medic.’ Logan flipped through a pile of papers on his desk and removed a file. ‘Read.’ He handed it to her. ‘It’s impressive stuff. Perhaps it will set your mind at rest about his ability and dedication.’

‘But the army requires discipline. All the things Conner doesn’t—’

‘Read,’ Logan said firmly. ‘The patients might doubt him to begin with, but I don’t want the practice staff making the same mistake. The man’s qualifications and experience are better than mine. Read, Flora.’

Flora opened the file reluctantly. After a moment, she looked up. ‘He’s a surgeon?’

‘Among other things. I did tell you that the man was clever.’

Her eyes flickered back to the page. ‘Afghanistan? That doesn’t sound very safe.’

‘No.’ Logan’s voice was dry. ‘But it sounds very Conner. I don’t suppose anything safe would hold his interest for long.’

‘Which brings me back to my original question.’ She dropped the file back on his desk. ‘What’s he doing back on Glenmore? He hates Glenmore and if he still needs adrenaline and excitement in his life, he’s going to last five minutes on this island.’

‘I don’t think it’s any of my business.’ Logan leaned back in his chair. ‘He’s back, that’s all I need to know.’

‘It’s going to be like putting a match to a powder keg. And I’m just worried he’ll let you down in the middle of the summer tourist season. You and all the islanders.’

Logan’s gaze followed her. ‘They let him down. This is his chance to even the score or prove himself. Either way, he’s family, Flora, and I’m giving him this opportunity. It’s up to him what he chooses to do with it.’

Flora bit her lip. Family. On Glenmore family and community was everything. It was what made the island what it was. But Conner had rejected everything that Glenmore stood for. He’d walked away from it.

So why was he back?


CONNER WATCHED as Flora entered the room. Her eyes were down and she was clutching a bunch of forms that he assumed were for him.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024