Summer Kisses - Page 29

He stared out to sea. ‘I was going to clear the house out this afternoon.’

‘There’s no worse job in the world,’ she said softly. ‘After Dad died, it took me six months to even go into the house. I just couldn’t face all those memories. And mine were happy ones. Are you sure you don’t want to talk about this?’

‘I wouldn’t know what to say. I’ve been away for twelve years. But it seems even that isn’t long enough.’ Conner took a mouthful of his drink and choked. ‘That is truly disgusting.’

Flora laughed. ‘Some people prefer it with sugar.’

‘The only way I’d drink it is topped up with gin. And given that I don’t touch alcohol, there’s no chance of that.’ Pulling a face, he emptied his glass onto the sand. ‘Where’s your boat moored?’

‘South Quay.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘In full public view.’

‘Yes.’ She scrambled to her feet and brushed the sand from her skirt. ‘We need to go via my house so that I can change, but that will only take a minute.’

‘You seriously want to sail? I thought you hated being the focus of people’s attention.’

‘I won’t be the focus,’ she muttered, carefully stacking everything back into the basket. ‘You will.’

She was being kind, he realised. Trying to show solidarity in front of the locals.

He probably ought to refuse but just as he opened his mouth to do just that, the wind gusted and he glanced at the waves breaking on the beach. ‘It’s a perfect afternoon for a sail.’

‘Then what are you waiting for?’ She walked towards the path. ‘Are you coming, Dr MacNeil? Or would you rather spend the afternoon being moody?’

* * *

She’d never had so much fun. The wind was gusting at five knots and Conner was a born sailor, with a natural feel for the wind and the sea and blessed with nerves of steel. And although they came close several times, he didn’t land them in the water.

As the water sprayed over the bows, Flora laughed in delight. ‘Who taught you to sail?’

‘Taught myself. Sank two boats in the process. Probably why Finn won’t rent me a boat. I always loved being on the water. The sea was the place where everything came together.’ He tightened the mainsheet as he turned the boat into the wind. ‘Ready about,’ he called. Flora released the jib sheet and they both ducked under the boom as the boat came swiftly around. The wind caught the sails and the boat accelerated smoothly away, the sea sparkling in the summer sunshine.

It was hours before they finally turned the boat back towards the jetty and Flora felt nothing but regret. ‘Do you ever feel like just sailing away and never looking back?’

‘All the time.’ He adjusted the sail. ‘What about you?’

‘Oh, yes.’ She gazed dreamily up at the sky, loving the feel of the wind and the spray on her face. ‘I love being on the boat. It’s just so easy and comfortable. No people. No problems.’

‘You are full of surprises, Flora Harris.’ Conner laughed. ‘I never imagined you were a sailor.’

‘I bought her with the money Dad left me when he died. He was the one who taught me to sail. I was hopeless at team sports at school because I was too shy. No one ever picked me. I think Dad realised that sailing would suit me. I love the freedom of the boat. And the fact that you’re away from people.’ She closed her eyes and let the sun warm her skin. ‘I’m always tense around people.’

‘You’re still incredibly shy, aren’t you?’

She opened her eyes. ‘Yes. But I’ve learned to act. That’s what you do as an adult, isn’t it? You act your way through situations that would have paralysed you as a child.’

‘Was it that bad?’

‘Yes.’ Her simple, honest response touched him.

‘I didn’t realise. I just thought you were studious.’

Flora stared at the quay, measuring the distance. ‘If I was absorbed in a book then no one bothered with me, and I preferred it that way. I liked being inconspicuous.’

‘So why did you come back to Glenmore? Logan said you were working in Edinburgh before this. I would have thought it was easier to be inconspicuous in a city.’

‘It’s also very lonely and I missed the scenery and the sailing. Coming back here seemed like the right thing to do.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025