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Summer Kisses

Page 54

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‘I’m trying not to lose control.’ He gave a wry smile. ‘And it’s pretty hard.’

‘Then stop trying.’ She breathed the words against his mouth and felt him tense. ‘I’m not delicate, Conner. Make love to me the way you want to make love to me.’

His eyes darkened and his breathing quickened. ‘I never want to hurt you, Flora.’

‘You won’t hurt me.’ But the fact that he cared enough to be careful with her increased the feeling of warmth growing inside her. ‘I’m OK. I’ve never been so OK,’ she murmured, and his mouth flickered into a half-smile and he surged into her again, this time going deeper.

And she felt the change in him. He shifted his position, altered the rhythm, and her body hummed and fizzled and then tightened around his in an explosion of ecstasy so intense that it drove him to his own completion.

Flora lay in his arms, stunned and breathless. ‘I—I had no idea that it would be like that.’

He turned his head, a frown on his face. ‘You told me you weren’t a virgin.’

‘Technically I wasn’t.’ Her voice was soft and her eyes were misty. ‘But I suppose it depends on your definition. I’ve never done that before. Never felt like that before.’

‘I don’t think I want to hear about your past lovers.’ He folded her back against him in a possessive gesture and she smiled, feeling warm and protected and—just amazing.

‘Lover. Just the one.’

‘I definitely don’t want to hear this,’ Conner muttered darkly. ‘Knowing you, it must have been serious.’

‘I suppose it was a serious attempt to discover what all the fuss was about. He was a lawyer—very proper. Predictable. Chivalrous.’

‘All the things I’m not.’ Conner’s arms tightened. ‘He sounds like the perfect mate. You should have stuck with him.’

She lay in the semi-darkness, staring at his profile, thinking of the care he’d taken with her. ‘I didn’t love him.’

‘Oh, please.’ He made an impatient sound and she turned her head.

‘It’s true. I know you don’t believe in love, but I do. And I didn’t love him. My feelings just weren’t right. There was no chemistry.’ She gave a short laugh. ‘That’s what you said to me.’

‘I was lying.’ Conner bent his head and kissed her. ‘And if you weren’t so naïve, you would have known I was lying, because I had a massive erection as I said it.’

She gasped and then gave a strangled laugh. ‘Conner MacNeil, why must you always try and shock?’

‘The fact that you’re shocked proves my point. You’re naïve.’

‘I’m not naïve. And it’s hardly surprising that I didn’t notice anything because I was so upset, I was trying not to look at you. And it wasn’t hard to believe you when you said I didn’t turn you on, because I know I’m not sexy.’

It was Conner’s turn to laugh. ‘Angel, if you were any sexier you’d have to carry a government health warning.’

She slid her arm over his stomach and rested her chin on his chest. ‘Really?’

‘You need to ask?’ He guided her hand down his body and gave her a wicked smile. ‘You currently have a hold on the evidence.’

She smiled. ‘Do you know what’s amazing? I don’t feel at all shy with you.’

‘I’d noticed. Permit me to say that your behaviour tonight would have thoroughly shocked the inhabitants of Glenmore.’

‘I don’t care about them,’ she said honestly, and he stroked her hair away from her face, his expression serious.

‘Yes, you do, and I don’t blame you for that. Glenmore is your home. Talking of which…’ He frowned suddenly and then released her and sprang out of bed. ‘Where did you park?’


‘Your car. Where did you park your car?’

She frowned. ‘Outside your barn. Where else?’

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