Summer Kisses - Page 61

Then she turned to Logan, about to tell him that she didn’t care what he thought, but something in his expression caught her attention. ‘Logan? Is something wrong?’

Logan was glaring at Conner. ‘You just can’t help it, can you? You have to cause trouble. I ought to punch your lights out.’

‘You’re right,’ Conner drawled, ‘you probably should.’

‘Stop it, both of you.’ Flora was staring at Logan, her concern mounting as she noticed the unnatural pallor of his skin. ‘Something has happened, hasn’t it? Is it Kirsty? For goodness’ sake, say something! You’re scaring me.’

‘Kirsty’s fine.’ Logan’s voice was harsh. ‘But Evanna’s waters have broken.’

‘Oh…’ Flora immediately stepped forward and closed her fingers over his arm, her grip offering reassurance and support. ‘It will be fine, Logan. Where is she?’

‘In the car. I’m taking her to the ferry.’ His breathing unsteady, Logan looked at Conner. ‘I just came to tell you that the two of you are in charge. And then you—’

‘Forget that,’ Flora interr

upted him. ‘What’s happening to Kirsty?’

‘Meg is having her, but if she needs any help—’

‘That’s fine,’ Flora said quickly. ‘Of course.’

‘You’re taking Evanna to the ferry?’ Conner frowned. ‘The last thing I heard, the ferry wasn’t going to run. There’s a storm brewing, Logan.’

‘I know there’s a storm. And that’s why we’re getting off this island while we still can. I’ve already left it too late. We should have gone last weekend but Evanna is so damn stubborn.’


‘I know what I’m doing,’ Logan said harshly, yanking open the door. ‘Just keep an eye on the place while I’m gone.’ He glared angrily at Conner. ‘And try not to kiss anybody else.’

Janet appeared in the doorway, her face white. ‘Logan, you have to come. Evanna says she wants to push. I’ve helped her out of the car and back into the house.’

‘No!’ Logan raked a hand through his hair, his voice sharp with panic. ‘That isn’t right. I don’t want Evanna in the house. I want her on the ferry. And if the ferry isn’t running, we’ll call the air ambulance—’

Flora took control. ‘If she wants to push, Conner should take a look at her.’

‘I don’t want him anywhere near my wife!’ Logan rounded on him like a wounded animal and Conner’s eyes narrowed.

‘Relax. My taste has never run to heavily pregnant women.’

Flora sighed with exasperation and waved Janet away. ‘Get me a delivery pack, Janet. Evanna’s room. Tall cupboard on the right, top shelf. You two…’ She turned to Logan and Conner, her eyes flashing with exasperation. ‘Enough. All this testosterone is starting to get on my nerves and I can’t concentrate. Logan, listen to me.’ Stepping forward, she closed her hand over his wrist, her voice crisp. ‘You are in no fit state to assess your wife’s progress in labour. Conner and I will do that.’ She could feel his pulse thundering under her fingers. ‘We’ll do that now. If Evanna is going to have this baby imminently, we need to be prepared.’

Conner looked as though he was about to speak and Flora silenced him with a glare, her instincts warning her that he was about to say something Logan didn’t need to hear.

‘She’s not having our baby on this island.’ Logan inhaled deeply and looked at her, his eyes bright with fear. ‘I am not losing my wife!’


‘IT WOULD really help if someone could tell me what is going on here,’ Conner drawled as he and Flora followed Logan through the surgery to the door that connected with their house. ‘My cousin, who I always considered to be of sound mind, appears to have lost the plot. Given that he isn’t usually prone to bouts of hysterics, I’m assuming there’s a reason.’

Flora paused until Logan was out of earshot. ‘He hasn’t told you what happened to his first wife?’

‘I never asked.’

Flora rolled her eyes. ‘Men! OK. Well, to keep it brief, Logan was married before. His first wife died in childbirth, here on Glenmore. There was a terrible storm and he couldn’t get her off the island and she…’ Flora bit her lip. ‘Well, she died. There isn’t time to tell you more than that. There was nothing anyone could do, but don’t try telling Logan that because he still blames himself.’

‘Right.’ Conner lifted his eyes and stared at his cousin’s retreating shoulders. ‘So we can expect him to be very relaxed and calm about the whole thing.’

‘If he can’t get Evanna off Glenmore for the delivery, he’ll probably have a breakdown. We have to be very, very sensitive about this whole situation,’ Flora said quietly, and Conner shot her a look, his expression faintly mocking.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024