One Summer in Paris - Page 80

“All Parisian men are amazing lovers. They treat women the way they treat food—as something to savor and enjoy. In Paris, love is not something to rush. You should definitely contact him. I always thought you might go back one day and marry him.”

“I married David.”

“Yes. Shame. Still, we all make decisions we regret sometimes.”

Mimi adored David. Since when had she thought the marriage was a mistake? And why was she suddenly so determined to push Grace toward someone else?

She opened her mouth to say she didn’t regret marrying David, but Mimi was talking again.

“Call him, Grace! Get in touch.”

“You always say we can’t return to the past.”

“That depends on what’s in the past. In this case, you should. You have to live life. After all, it’s nothing more than David has done. Contact Philippe.”

“He might be married.”

“Bah, so wha

t? In Paris, no one cares about such things.”

“I care, but if he isn’t married, then maybe it would be fun to meet up. Drinks, or dinner.”

“Dinner. Romance. Sex. Paris was made for this, no? You have no idea how happy I am that you’re not sitting there pining over David.”

“Well, actually—”

“Good sex cures everything, I always think.” Mimi straightened. “My yoga class is in ten minutes so I should go. Call me again soon.”

Grace was so taken aback by the whole conversation she didn’t ask why her grandmother was cutting the conversation short.

“Take care now.” Baffled, she closed the screen, and Mimi’s face disappeared.

Grace stared into space.

There was something wrong with her grandmother.


Mimi closed her laptop and studied the man hovering in the doorway. “You were supposed to leave!”

“I was going to, but then I heard her voice.” David walked back into the room and sat down on the sofa. “I didn’t expect her to sound so—so—”

“So what? So happy? You want her to be miserable, is that it?”

“No!” He ran his hand over the back of his neck. “You know that isn’t it.”

“All I know is that you broke my granddaughter’s heart, and now suddenly you’re knocking on my door.”

He’d avoided her, presumably too ashamed of his behavior to face her. But today he was here, which meant something must have changed.

“I’ve known you forever, Mimi. I know Grace is out of the country and I wanted to check on you.”

Was she stupid to believe him? Maybe she should have shown him the door, but he was like a son to her and she found it impossible to cut him out of her life.

David was a good guy who had done a bad thing, or at least a foolish thing.

“I’m fine. Never better.” She decided to test her theory. “How are you? Where’s Lissa this afternoon?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024