One Summer in Paris - Page 125

“Do you have tickets?”

“Of course.” He flashed her a smile. “I’m the star.”

“In that case, yes. I never get tired of hearing Mozart.”

“Ouch.” He put his hand on his chest. “And there was me thinking it was me you wanted to watch.”

“Why would you think that?”

He leaned down to kiss her. “Go back to sleep. I’ll call you later.”

She heard the door shut and leaned back against the pillow, smiling.

She liked New Grace. New Grace had fun.

She made herself coffee and took it back to bed. The rain had cleared. The sky was blue again. After work, she’d wander to the market and buy something special for dinner. And she needed to decide what to wear tonight because she couldn’t wear the blue dress again.

Contemplating the life story of that dress so far made her smile, and she was still smiling when the phone rang.

She didn’t recognize the number, but assumed it was Philippe.

“Hi. I already miss you.” She spoke in a smoky, suggestive voice and then paused when there was no response. “Hello?”


It wasn’t Philippe.


“Hi, Grace. I’m in Paris.”


“So? What did she say?” Mimi paced the hotel room, trying to ease the stiffness in her joints. She’d made some bad choices in her time, but this might be the worst. Would Grace ever forgive her

for interfering? For not warning her? “Did she sound angry?”

“She said she already missed me. But as she didn’t know it was me on the phone, it’s obvious I’m not the one she is missing.” His tone was light but his voice shook a little. “I should have called her sooner. I shouldn’t have waited this long.”

“I seem to remember suggesting that.” She was too old for this. Her head ached, her bones ached and her heart ached.

“After everything that has happened—what I did—I thought the only way I would stand a chance of putting it right was to see her face-to-face. I would have waited until she was back from Paris, but then she started to talk about that Philippe guy, and—” He ran his hand over his face and gave her a desperate look. “I’m going to fix this, Mimi. I’m going to find a way.”

Mimi swayed, suddenly dizzy. It had been a long time since she’d flown anywhere.

David was by her side in an instant. “Are you feeling unwell?”

“Worry about yourself.”

“Right now I’m worrying about you. I never should have let you do that long flight. Grace will kill me for that alone.”

His kindness was one of the many qualities that made it hard to hate him despite everything.

“I don’t remember asking your opinion on whether I should come or not.” There was no way she would have allowed him to come without her. She wanted to be here to support Grace, if that became necessary. “I’m fine. You worry about how you’re going to handle this.” She felt David’s arm come around her, firm and reassuring.

“You need to lie down, Mimi. Close your eyes.” He helped her to the bed and pulled off her shoes. “There’s an interconnecting door between our rooms. I’m going to leave it open a crack. If you need me, call. I’ll be listening out for you.” He adjusted pillows behind her and pulled the cover over her.

For the last few months he’d been conflicted and confused. She’d been the strong one, but not today. Today he was the one showing strength and determination. It was as if he knew, finally, exactly what he wanted. She was the one who felt wobbly and uncertain.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024