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One Summer in Paris

Page 127

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There was nothing practical about the outfit Grace was wearing today. It shrieked confident woman, and there was a glow in her cheeks that Mimi hadn’t expected to see.

Oh, David, David, Mimi thought. You are in trouble.

“Mimi.” Grace crossed the room in a swirl of perfume and smiles, her eyes alight with happiness. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around Mimi, rocking her gently. “I missed you so much.” There was strength in her hug, and an energy that had been missing in the few months before she’d gone away.

Mimi felt relieved and afraid at the same time.

This wasn’t a vulnerable, pliable Grace.

How was she going to react to what David had to say?

“I missed you, too.” She closed her eyes. “You smell amazing and you look wonderful. Paris suits you.”

Grace laughed and pulled away. “I’m loving Paris.”

Was it Paris, or something more? Someone more?

Mimi studied her. “I think you look better than I’ve ever seen you. I love your hair. You’ve never worn it short before.”

“I decided it was time for a change. My friend Audrey did it. Remember I mentioned her? Why are you here? I tried to persuade you to come to Paris so many times. You always said there was no reason to come.”

“You gave me a reason.”

“You should at least have told me you were coming.”

“That was my fault.” David spoke from the doorway. “I wanted to see you. I need to talk to you.” His voice was firm and steady, but Mimi saw desperation in his eyes.

Had Grace seen it, too?

“You came all the way here for a conversation?” Grace’s tone went from warm to polite, bordering on chilly. “You couldn’t have just picked up the phone or sent an email?”

“What I need to say is better said face-to-face.”

Grace’s smile disappeared. “So for that reason alone you dragged my grandmother halfway across the world?”

“No one has ever dragged me anywhere in my life.” Mimi shifted on the bed. She had no idea what was going to happen, but she didn’t want to be in the middle. “I’m here because I wanted to come.”

She’d thought she might be able to support Grace, but her granddaughter didn’t look like a woman who needed support. Where was the woman who had sobbed into her lap a few months before?

Grace took her hand, ignoring David. “Are you feeling unwell? Should I fetch you a doctor?”

“I don’t need a doctor. I just need a little time to recover from the flight, that’s all. If you could order me some tea, I’ll drink it here while you two have a chat.”

“I’m not leaving you, Mimi. Whatever it is David wants to say can wait.” The strength in her made Mimi both relieved and scared. Relieved for Grace. Scared for David.

Mimi didn’t know this version of Grace.

She had a feeling David didn’t know her, either, which could only mean trouble ahead.


Grace stared at David across the hotel room, derailed by her emotions. She hadn’t expected to feel like this. She didn’t want to feel like this.

She’d missed him. She’d missed him so much.

Hearing him on the end of the phone had been a shock. Seeing him in person was an even greater shock. She’d managed to push him out of her mind, or at least shrink him, and now here he was, broad shouldered and solid, legs spread as he watched her across the calm, neutral decor of his hotel room.

Seeing him brought everything rushing back, and she braced herself against it, determined not to be swept away. It was like navigating in rough seas only to find yourself being dragged toward the rocks. Her feelings for him were the rocks. She didn’t dare go there again.

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