The Greek's Blackmailed Wife - Page 21

Only Zander had ever called her that and even then only when they were joined in the most intimate way possible.

His use of that name now was a blatantly sexual reminder of their past.

‘You’re disgusting.’ Her flesh burning inside and out, Lauranne put her drink down and glanced around her self-consciously.

‘Would you prefer us to take this conversation somewhere more private?’

‘I would prefer if you just left me alone. I’m not going anywhere with you, Zander.’

‘You will, Lauranne.’ His voice was a lazy drawl that played havoc with her nerve endings. ‘It’s good to talk to you again. I’d forgotten what it was like to be with someone who doesn’t automatically agree with everything I say.’

‘You hate it when people don’t agree with you!’

‘Not true.’

‘Well, if you weren’t such a bully people wouldn’t be afraid to tell you the truth.’

He looked amused. ‘You think I terrorise my staff?’

‘You flatten everyone around you with the sheer force of your will, Zander,’ she said bitterly. ‘You’re totally driven and you always, always have to get your own way in everything. You must have been a nightmare as a toddler.’

The change in him was so subtle that if she hadn’t been so closely attuned to his every movement she would have missed it—missed the slight tightening of his sensuous mouth, the almost imperceptible narrowing of his stunning dark eyes.

Then he sat forward, back in control, reaching for the coffee that the waiter had discreetly placed on the table. ‘I’m glad you realise that. It will save a great deal of unnecessary argument between us.’

‘Every argument we’ve ever had has been totally necessary.’

‘That’s not how I remember it.’

She lifted her chin. ‘Then you have a very selective memory.’

‘My memory is faultless. Especially where you’re concerned. I remember every row we had, every accusation you flung at me and every word you gasped when we made love.’

The air thumped out of her lungs. ‘Then you must have a truly amazing memory,’ she said hoarsely, ‘because our relationship was one big endless row.’

‘Because you refused to do anything without a fight. Even sex was a fight.’

His eyes gleamed and Lauranne felt heat break out on her skin, remembering just exactly how the sex had been. Totally wild. Frantic. Beyond any sort of control. There had been nothing tranquil or gentle about their relationship. It had been hot and antagonistic and confrontational from the first day they’d met.

‘And you always expected everything to go your way,’ she croaked, ignoring the burning heat that flared low in her pelvis. ‘Just because women usually fall at your feet, you thought that just one glance in my direction would be enough to have me joining them. You thought that one click of your fingers would have me running to do your bidding.’

‘So you made it your life’s mission to do the opposite,’ he said dryly, raising his cup in a mock salute. ‘You burned for me as badly as I burned for you, but you tortured us both with your elaborate games.’

‘They weren’t games. We’re different people, Zander, from different cultures. You believe in virgin brides and m-mistresses—’ she stumbled over the word and then lifted her chin defiantly ‘—and I believe that a relationship between a man and a woman should be equal.’

His face hardened. ‘So what were you doing with Farrer? He’s not even cl

ose to being your equal—’

She stood up so suddenly that her chair would have fallen had he not snaked out a lean brown hand and caught it, the speed of his reaction breathtaking.

‘You were the one who insisted that we didn’t mention Tom’s name,’ she hissed, her heart pounding with reaction. ‘You’re breaking your own rules, Zander.’

‘Sit down.’ He didn’t raise his voice but she froze, held immobile by the sheer force of his presence.

‘No.’ Tears pricked behind her eyes and she blinked them away, furious with herself, determined not to display any weakness in front of this man. ‘I’m not enjoying the conversation.’

‘You have a choice.’ His tone was pleasant but there was no missing the steely undertone. ‘Either we can talk here, or we can talk in the privacy of my hotel.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024