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The Greek's Blackmailed Wife

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Supremely confident that there wasn’t a business deal that he couldn’t successfully negotiate if given the opportunity, he strode out of the room leaving his lawyer to sort out the details.

* * *

‘So you turned him into Mr Perfect.’ Tom poured himself a coffee and slumped into a chair opposite her huge glass desk. ‘I can’t believe you agreed to do that work for him. And not only that but you’ve managed to achieve a miracle. You managed to make the bastard look good.’

Lauranne stared blankly at the stack of newspapers on her desk, all featuring Zander Volakis in an unusually flattering light.

In normal circumstances she would have felt immensely proud of the job she’d done portraying him as a warm, caring man but these weren’t normal circumstances. She’d done it to protect Tom.

And to get a divorce.

‘I just wanted to get the job over with,’ she muttered and Tom lifted an eyebrow.

‘So is that it, or is he coming back for more?’

‘Just the première tonight.’

‘He’s taking you?’ Tom narrowed his eyes, instantly on the alert. ‘Excuse me, but you’ve spent the last two weeks removing every speck of dust from his reputation and now he wants to turn up at a public event with his estranged wife? Doesn’t this strike you as odd?’

‘Not really. It’s just business. And after tonight, there’s no more.’ Lauranne licked her lips and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. ‘He wanted quick results and he’s had them. As far as I’m concerned the campaign is finished. He’s done interviews for just about everyone and if they haven’t used the story already then they’ll use it soon.’

‘I couldn’t believe that interview I saw on TV this morning.’ Tom curled his fingers around his coffee mug and shook his head in disbelief. ‘He came across as warm and caring. I found myself wanting to work for the guy, and I know what he’s like. How the hell did you do it?’

‘It’s my job,’ Lauranne said shortly, ‘and I managed to dig up some good stuff.’ She frowned slightly. A surprising amount of good stuff, if she was honest. ‘His employees didn’t have a bad word to say about him.’

‘Then you were obviously speaking to the wrong ones. I was his employee once,’ Tom gritted, ‘and I can certainly think of a bad word. In fact I can think of several bad words. How many would you like?’

Lauranne tried to smile, but her expression was troubled. ‘He gives away a small fortune, Tom, and he doesn’t tell people.’ She chewed her lip. ‘Even his own staff don’t know.’

And almost all of it to children’s charities. She wondered if there was a reason behind that.

‘So?’ Tom shot her an incredulous look. ‘Tell me you’re not going all gooey on me. He’s a billionaire, Lauranne. He can give away millions and not notice. It doesn’t make him a good guy. Wake up.’

Lauranne pulled herself together. ‘I’m awake. I know it doesn’t make him a good guy.’

He was a guy who would resort to blackmail if it suited him.

But she couldn’t push away the image of Zander, an unusually discomforted Zander, being questioned about his charitable donations. He hadn’t wanted to discuss it and instead had skilfully switched the topic of conversation to the needs of the charities that he supported, focusing on the work they were doing rather than the finance that he poured into their coffers. And of course it helped that he was movie-star handsome. The cameras had loved him, the harsh studio lighting only emphasising his perfect bone structure and glossy dark hair as he spoke with an ease and confidence that just increased his appeal.

Remembering just how great that appeal had been, Lauranne reminded herself that it was all part of his act. Zander was the ultimate negotiator, a skilled operator who knew exactly how to manipulate people and situations to his advantage.

Tom took a sip of coffee. ‘What I still don’t understand,’ he said slowly, ‘is why you agreed to do it.’

Lauranne didn’t meet his eyes. She still hadn’t told him the truth. Hadn’t told him about Zander’s threat to put them out of business.

Tom was her best friend and she owed him.

‘It just seemed easier than refusing,’ she said finally, dredging up a smile with an effort. ‘And after tonight it will be finished.’

She still had to get through one more evening but a

t least they’d be in public again. Crowds were her protection.

‘Is it?’ Tom stared at her broodingly. ‘I have a feeling that this thing with you and Zander will never be finished. Not while the pair of you are living on the same planet and breathing the same air.’

‘There is no thing between us.’ Lauranne stood up abruptly and glanced at her watch. ‘I’m going home. I have to get changed before tonight. He’s picking me up at seven.’

‘Good luck.’ Tom gave a weary smile. ‘Don’t forget to smile for the cameras when your feet hit that red carpet. And get ready for trouble. When word gets out that you’re his wife, there’ll be a feeding frenzy.’

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