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The Greek's Blackmailed Wife

Page 26

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‘Word isn’t going to get out,’ Lauranne said, picking up her bag. ‘Why would anyone be interested in me?’

‘Because you’re with him,’ Tom said dryly. ‘Be on your guard. Volakis never does anything without a reason. If he’s taking you tonight, then there’s a reason.’

‘He needs a partner,’ Lauranne said, wishing that she could push away the uneasy suspicion that Tom might be right.

Was Zander playing some elaborate game?

Tom stood up, his expression grim. ‘Did he kiss you again?’

Lauranne shook her head.

He hadn’t needed to.

Just being in the same room as him had such an intense effect on her physically that she couldn’t concentrate on anything except him. They hadn’t been able to take their eyes off each other, the sexual awareness between them rising to such an intensity that she was amazed that the journalists hadn’t picked up on it. Tension had throbbed around them like a force field, isolating them from everyone else.

‘Of course he didn’t kiss me.’ Lauranne walked towards the door, wondering if a cold shower would help. ‘Fortunately we were surrounded by cameramen and journalists and every living, breathing female within a million miles of London who could find an excuse to be there.’ She hadn’t been on her own with him for a single second and she was grateful for that. She didn’t trust him. And she certainly didn’t trust herself. She’d come to the conclusion that her body had lousy judgement. ‘And after tonight I won’t be seeing him again.’

And for that she was eternally thankful.

Maybe, just maybe, if she concentrated hard enough, she’d be able to get him out of her mind and get on with her life.

There had to be men out there who wouldn’t pale next to Zander—

Tom glanced out of the window. ‘The sky is looking pretty dark. Do you need a lift home?’

Lauranne shook her head. ‘No, thanks. I need the fresh air. I’ll walk part of the way and then grab a cab if it rains. See you tomorrow.’

She walked out of her office and took the lift down to the ground floor.

The moment she stepped out onto the pavement she saw the car. Sleek, dark and complete with uniformed driver. Zander lounged against the rear passenger door, waiting for her, his security staff hovering at a discreet distance.

Zander the hunter.

‘Get in.’ Thick dark lashes framing his disturbingly intent gaze, he straightened and extended a lean brown hand towards the car in invitation. ‘I’ll give you a lift home. It will give you more time to get ready for tonight.’

It was the first time she’d been alone with him since they’d started the campaign and during that time the tension between them had risen to fever pitch. Being in a car alone with him was the last thing she wanted. It was as if she’d been admiring a tiger safely in captivity only to find that it had escaped and was now confronting her.

Her mouth was dry and her heart was pounding against her chest. What was it they said about dangerous situations? Fight or flight. Well, flight was a waste of time where Zander was concerned because he always caught up with her. Which just left fight.

Angling her chin, she looked at him with ill-disguised hostility. ‘I’m walking home. I need the fresh air.’

There was no way she was climbing into a car with him.

‘Then I’ll walk with you.’ With a discreet jerk of his dark head he dismissed his bodyguards and chauffeur and strolled alongside her, ignoring the furious look she cast in his direction.

‘I prefer to walk alone.’

As usual he ignored her, adjusting his pace to match hers. ‘Surely it’s usual for a client to have a debrief after such an intensive campaign?’

It was usual, but she didn’t want to spend any more time with Zander than she had to. She needed to spend some time on her own, reminding herself of all the reasons why she should be avoiding him. Two weeks in his company had seriously affected her judgement.

‘But you’re not really a client,’ she said. ‘You’re just a man who resorts to blackmail.’

He smiled, not in the least disturbed by her less-than-flattering analysis of his character. ‘So I am.’

She quickened her pace, forcing herself to look straight ahead. To glance sideways was to court temptation and she didn’t trust herself. Even without looking she was painfully conscious of every male inch of him as he strolled next to her. Her feminine senses in a state of high alert, she almost jumped as she felt the tantalising brush of his arm against hers.

Suddenly it was too much. Her whole body was on fire with anticipation.

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