The Greek's Blackmailed Wife - Page 34

Unable to analyse her own feelings, she switched the subject to business.

‘So did our campaign work? Has it helped your negotiations?’


‘Good.’ She licked her lips, her heart banging against her ribs in response to that continued scrutiny. ‘And now it’s over.’

‘Is it?’ Something about the way he said the words made her tense but she didn’t have the opportunity to question him further because at that moment the chauffeur pulled up outside the cinema and flashbulbs exploded outside the windows of the car.

Lauranne shrank back against the seat but Zander didn’t flinch, his handsome face impassive as he surveyed the gathered crowds.

‘Good job I didn’t kiss off that lipstick,’ he drawled, reaching across to take her hand. ‘Smile. Publicity is your job, remember?’

‘I’m not usually on this side of the camera,’ she muttered, wishing that she’d volunteered someone else for this role. ‘They’re all going to wonder what you’re doing with me.’

He gave a slow smile and shot her a look that heated the blood in her veins to boiling point. ‘One look at you in that dress and they’re going to know exactly what I’m doing with you, agape mou.’

She flushed but had no time to answer because the door opened and she stepped out onto the red carpet, smiling automatically as cameras exploded in her face.

His security team were very much in evidence but Zander seemed totally unaware of them as he slid an arm around her waist, replying to the odd shouted question with his usual cool, giving the journalists just enough but not too much.

He really didn’t need her at all, she thought helplessly, watching as he handled the assembled press with consummate ease. He knew exactly how to play the game and gave them what they wanted. No more, no less. He was the master of every situation, confident and in control at all times.

Unlike her.

Handling the media was her job, for goodness sake, but if it hadn’t been for the firm grip of his fingers threaded through hers and the brush of his shoulder against her bare flesh she would have scuttled back to the car and hidden.

His hand locked tightly with hers, Zander strolled down the red carpet and then stopped, pulling her firmly against him and lowering his mouth to hers.

She gave a start of surprise but his arm slid round her and his tongue flickered into her mouth with a blatant sexuality that took the strength from her legs and the pain from her heart.

He lifted his head almost immediately, but in that brief moment Lauranne was aware only of the two of them. Flashes exploded around them in a frenzy as photographers took advantage of the photo opportunity that Zander had presented them with, but Lauranne remained oblivious.

She stared up at him, her eyes soft, her lips still damp from the intimacy of his kiss.

‘Mine.’ He said the word softly so that only she could hear it but there was no missing the fierce possessiveness in his tone and she felt her stomach turn over in a totally uncontrollable response.


Ignoring the cameras, he smiled a smile of totally male satisfaction and then led her firmly inside the building away from flashing bulbs and curious eyes, very much the conquering Greek male.

Still stunned by the kiss, she turned to him, dazed. ‘W-why did you do that?’

Why would he want to be photographed in an intimate embrace with her when she’d spent the past two weeks trying to reshape his reputation as a womaniser?

It was asking for trouble.

Ignoring the crowds pressing against them, he pulled her against him. ‘Because I didn’t want any confusion.’

Shaken by the close contact, Lauranne struggled to concentrate. ‘Confusion?’

‘Of ownership.’ He gave a self-satisfied smile and she frowned.

‘I’m not one of your business deals, Zander.’

‘Evidently.’ He gave a sardonic smile. ‘None of my business deals have ever crashed so dramatically as my relationship with you.’ His hand tightened on hers and his eyes were fierce. ‘But it’s not going to happen again. From now on I don’t share you with anyone.’

She blinked in confusion. He’d agreed to give her a divorce and here he was talking about not sharing her.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024