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The Greek's Blackmailed Wife

Page 43

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All she knew was that she had to be with him.

Zander was shaking hands with an older man who immediately strode towards her with a smile on his face.

‘And you must be Lauranne! I must admit the cameras don’t do you justice!’

‘Cameras?’ Lauranne looked at him in confusion and then glanced at Zander for enlightenment. ‘What cameras?’

‘Your picture is in every newspaper,’ Kouropoulos told her with a smile. ‘Volakis reuniting with his beautiful wife is the top story. Did you enjoy the film?’

Lauranne froze as she realised what must have happened.

That kiss—

‘The film was very e

njoyable,’ she said stiffly, hiding her growing anger with difficulty.

Just exactly at what point had she become such a gullible fool that she’d believed that Zander wanted her with him for her charms? Business always came first with Zander, and this was obviously no exception.

He’d used her—

Kouropoulos gave her a searching look. ‘You look a little pale. You must be tired. In which case I hope my next piece of news will be welcome. I’m afraid I have to fly to Athens this afternoon to deal with an urgent business issue. I won’t be back until Friday. We can start our negotiations then. In the meantime I’ll arrange for someone to show you to your villa straight away and you can relax. There is a boat at your disposal so that you can explore some of the bays.’

Zander inclined his dark head and Lauranne gritted her teeth, afraid to say anything at all in case she exploded. She was still too angry by the realisation that she’d been manipulated to react to the news that she and Zander were expected to entertain themselves for almost a week before they even had a meeting with Kouropoulos.

She fumed silently as they were driven through the resort, barely aware of the sumptuousness of her surroundings. The resort consisted of individual whitewashed villas, each with its own pool and shady terrace with a fabulous view of the sea. In normal circumstances Lauranne would have been enchanted, but these were not normal circumstances. She was so upset and angry with Zander that she was simmering with suppressed rage, totally unable to relax. She couldn’t believe that she’d fallen for his charm again. All that rubbish about wanting to be with her when all the time he was just manipulating the situation so that he could gain control of his precious island.

Evidently aware that something was amiss, he cast her a searching look, but before he could speak they arrived at their own villa, set in a secluded position at the edge of the resort.

Fabulous for a honeymoon, Lauranne thought, grinding her teeth as she marched up the little path to the front door, her chin and shoulders set for battle.

Once they were safely inside the villa and the door had closed behind the staff member who’d accompanied them, she turned on Zander, eyes flashing, totally oblivious to the extreme luxury of the interior of the villa.

‘So that’s why you kissed me!’ She was so angry and hurt she thought she’d burst. ‘You did it for the cameras! So that Kouropoulos would wake up to a photo of us both. Husband reunited with wife. It was just another trick to convince him that you’re a caring, compassionate guy whereas actually you’re a devious, manipulative—’

‘It’s business.’ Zander interrupted her sharply, a frown touching his dark brows. ‘It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. Calm down. Someone might hear you yelling.’

She glared at him, so hurt that she wanted to commit bodily harm. ‘And blow the cover that you so carefully prepared—’

‘You’re being ridiculous,’ he gritted. ‘What have you been doing for the past two weeks if it wasn’t manipulating the press?’

‘That’s different.’ She sighed, numb inside. How could she have fallen for his patter? How could she have believed that he truly wanted her? ‘You show no respect for me. You may be a billionaire and used to having your own way in everything, but I won’t be one of your toys, Zander, to be discarded when you’ve had enough.’

‘Toys?’ He looked at her with grim amusement. ‘Toys are straightforward and give only pleasure. Handling you requires a qualification in bomb disposal. Believe me, agape mou, if I was after a light-hearted diversion I wouldn’t be with someone who starts a battle every time we’re alone.’

‘You used me!’

‘I was extending what you’d already done,’ he shot back. ‘You wanted the public to take away a certain message and so did I.’

‘That we’re involved.’ She virtually spat the words and he frowned.

‘We are involved.’


‘Yes, we are. The picture spoke the truth. It has no bearing on our relationship.’

‘You used me.’ Her eyes sparkled with the tears she was struggling to hold back and her breathing was jerky. ‘Why did you bring me here, Zander? There are plenty of women out there who would have loved to come with you. Who would have fallen over themselves to pretend to be in love with you. Why pick me? I hate you—’

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