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The Greek's Blackmailed Wife

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As well as being sophisticated, he was also well educated and astonishingly well informed about virtually everything. It was hardly surprising that her head had been turned.

And now, at last, she understood something of the life he’d had. The childhood that had made him the man he was now.

When they’d drunk the last of the wine and eaten the last of the food he took her hand and led her to the bedroom, stripping her clothes off with hands that were both gentle and urgent, his mouth seeking hers in the darkness.

After that, each day followed the same pattern.

They rose late, had breakfast by the pool and then explored the island by boat or on foot until it became too hot. Then they retreated to the villa and made love until Lauranne was exhausted.

By contrast, Zander never seemed tired. His stamina was awesome and on several occasions he chose to work on his laptop while Lauranne dozed on the huge bed. But the fact that he didn’t leave her side, even when he was working, was intensely flattering.

It was almost as if he couldn’t bear to be apart from her even for a moment, but that was ridiculous, of course. Zander was the most independent person she knew and he certainly didn’t find her that irresistible.

It was probably the only place in the villa with a suitable plug, she thought practically, trying not to read anything into his behaviour.

‘Don’t you need sleep?’ she asked him one day as she lay wrapped in a sheet, so totally wiped out by the intensity of his lovemaking that she didn’t think she’d ever be able to move again.

He flashed her a sizzling smile. ‘Sex with you energises me, agape mou,’ he confessed ruefully, leaning down to drop a lingering kiss on her mouth before picking up his laptop. ‘And although I am here with you, unfortunately business does not stand still.’

‘You’re on holiday,’ she said sleepily, struggling to keep her eyes from closing.

‘It feels like a holiday,’ he agreed, a frown touching his brows as if the thought had only just occurred to him, ‘but it’s supposed to be a business trip.’

The plump, perfect happiness oozed out of her.

Wrapped up in the fabulous atmosphere and his company, it actually felt more like a honeymoon, but he was right, of course. It was a business trip. And he’d brought her here for business reasons.

And on their fifth day, those business reasons were suddenly very much in evidence.

‘That was Kouropoulos.’ Zander tossed his phone onto the bed and reached for his shirt. ‘He’s back. He wants us to meet him and a member of his board for dinner tonight.’

‘Oh.’ So that was that, Lauranne thought bleakly.

‘What’s the matter?’ Zander pulled the shirt on, his eyes narrowed as he looked at her. ‘You look as though you just lost your best friend.’

‘I’ve enjoyed it being just the two of us,’ she said simply, her smile faltering at the sudden frown in his e


Oh, help. Maybe she shouldn’t have admitted that. Maybe—

‘I’ve enjoyed it too,’ Zander said gruffly, frowning as if the thought had only just occurred to him. ‘But it isn’t over yet. After dinner we’ll be coming back here again so that I can ravish you.’

But despite his teasing words, he seemed different since the call. For the past few days he’d relaxed. Seemed younger and more carefree. But now the international businessman was back.

And the honeymoon was over.

* * *

It was early evening when she glanced at her watch and realised that they should be getting ready. They were by the pool, Zander lying on a lounger next to her, engrossed in the business section of a paper, cool and relaxed.

She leaned over and dropped a kiss on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she breathed in his masculine scent. ‘We should get dressed. We’re expected for drinks on the terrace in half an hour.’

Zander tossed the newspaper to one side and sprang to his feet in an athletic movement, pulling her up after him. ‘Wear something that covers everything. It’s the only way I’ll be able to keep my hands off you and I don’t want to shock Kouropoulos.’

Lauranne gave a wistful smile. It was flattering that he wanted her so much, but a tiny part of her still desperately wished that it was more than just sex.

In the five days they’d been together they’d spent most of the time in bed, locked in the most passionate sex she’d ever experienced.

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