The Greek's Blackmailed Wife - Page 54

And when they were at their most intimate, she was finding it harder and harder not to tell him that she loved him.

Sooner or later the issue of a divorce was going to come up again, but she wasn’t allowing herself to think about that now.

She was living for the present. Enjoying every minute while she could.

‘You use the shower.’ He took his mobile from his pocket and strolled towards the bedroom. ‘I have some calls to make.’

Thinking that it would be nice if he weren’t quite so easily distracted by work, Lauranne made her way to the bathroom and showered.

He was still on the phone, talking in Greek, when she walked into the bedroom ten minutes later wrapped in a huge fluffy bathrobe.

She selected underwear and a beautiful silk dress and let the bathrobe fall to the floor.

The flow of Greek immediately faltered and she glanced up to see Zander watching her hungrily, his attention very definitely not on his call.

Feeling wicked, she slid into her underwear and dress, pretending not to notice that he seemed to be having problems concentrating.

When he finally severed the connection, there was a faint sheen of sweat on his brow.

‘In future don’t undress in front of me when I’m on the phone,’ he groaned, his eyes bright with amusement and something else that made her heart beat faster. ‘I didn’t actually hear a word my lawyer was saying.’

She tilted her head to one side and slipped her feet into her shoes, her expression innocent. ‘You had trouble concentrating?’

‘I haven’t concentrated on anything much since I walked into your office three weeks ago,’ he confessed ruefully and she felt a flash of satisfaction at the knowledge that she could affect him so strongly.

‘So if I’m so distracting, why did you make me work for you?’

He flashed her a smile. ‘Because you said no. I don’t deal well with no.’

‘So if I’d said yes you would have walked away?’

‘There was never any chance of you saying yes,’ he pointed out dryly. ‘You have never said yes to me. It is a quirky part of your nature that you have to fight me.’ He stared at her intently and then dragged his shirt over his head.

Her eyes were drawn to his broad chest, the tangle of dark hairs emphasising his intense masculinity.

The truth was she was fighting herself as much as him. Fighting the way she felt about him. He was the only man she’d ever met who had the ability to hurt her badly.

‘So it was just about fighting me?’ Something prompted her to ask the question and he sucked in a breath and looked at her through narrowed eyes, evidently considering her question seriously.

‘No,’ he said shortly, ‘it wasn’t about fighting you.’

Their eyes locked and her heart was suddenly pounding in her chest. ‘Then what was it?’

He hesitated. ‘You and I had unfinished business.’

‘But if you’d known it was me, you never would have chosen my company.’

There was a brief pause. ‘Yes, I would.’

Meaning what, exactly? Lauranne wondered, her eyes sliding over the powerful muscles of his chest.

‘We are expected for drinks in fifteen minutes,’ he drawled softly, ‘and if you continue to look at me like that then we will be late. And I don’t want to blow this deal.’

It was as if she’d dived head first into an arctic pool. Business always came first with Zander.

Even now, when sexual tension was throbbing in the air.

She gave him a cool smile and walked over to the mirror to apply her make-up. ‘Of course you don’t want to blow the deal.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024