The Greek's Blackmailed Wife - Page 56

Lauranne stared at her in horror, a horror that deepened as she caught the venom in the older woman’s expression.

‘Welcome. I hope you enjoyed your day.’ Kouropoulos stepped forward with a smile, shaking Zander’s hand and greeting Lauranne warmly. ‘My wife has stayed in Athens with my daughter, but may I introduce my Head of Corporate Affairs, Marina?’

Marina worked for Kouropoulos?

Lauranne had no choice but to take her outstretched hand, the effort of smiling so great that it made her cheeks ache.

‘Lauranne and I know each other,’ Marina said smoothly, her eyes so cold that Lauranne shivered.

‘Marina worked for me in the past,’ Zander confirmed, his expression impossible to read as he surveyed the woman in front of him.

Lauranne looked at him in frustration. How could he behave so calmly?

‘Then you should have taken better care of her.’ Kouropoulos laughed and Lauranne ground her teeth.

Zander had taken extremely good care of Marina.

Ignoring Lauranne completely, Marina gave Zander a sultry smile and stepped closer, the slit in her dress parting to reveal an almost indecent length of thigh. ‘Can I offer you a drink? Champagne?’

Lauranne watched in disbelief and misery as Zander took the proffered glass, smiling warmly at Marina, showing not one whit of discomfort.

She ground her teeth.

Did he have no conscience? He’d made love to her repeatedly since arriving on the island and now he was flirting openly with another woman. And not just any woman.

Marina was the woman he’d slept with five years before.


The woman who had destroyed their relationship.

Marina was the reason she’d sobbed in Tom’s arms.

Showing no interest in the antics of his Corporate Affairs director, Theo Kouropoulos stepped up to her. ‘So tell me, what do you think of our island?’

With considerable effort, Lauranne dragged her eyes away from Zander and Marina.

‘It’s beautiful,’ she said honestly, glancing across the sand and battling with the temptation to drop her glass and make a run for it back to the privacy of the villa. ‘Really beautiful.’

But inhabited by a snake.

Marina was still talking to Zander and the sight of their heads so close together, one so dark and one so fair, made sickness rise in her stomach.

How could he do this to her?

How could he so blatantly flaunt his ex-lover in front of her?

And from the way that Marina was looking at him she wasn’t going to remain an ex for much longer.

Sickly, Lauranne considered another explanation. That the ‘business’ trip to the island had never been more than a ploy for him to spend time with Marina.

Was she just here to provide distraction?

To legitimise his relationship with his ex-lover?

‘I hope you’ve been enjoying your time here,’ Kouropoulos was saying. ‘Zander and I will be getting down to work tomorrow, but Marina will be happy to entertain you.’

‘I really wouldn’t want to bother her,’ Lauranne said quickly, so angry that she could barely speak. ‘I’ll have a lovely time just relaxing by the pool, I know I will.’ Deciding to remind Marina just exactly who Zander was supposed to be with, she leaned towards him and lowered her eyelashes, her expression flirtatious. ‘We’ve had a pretty exhausting few days, haven’t we, darling?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024