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The Greek's Blackmailed Wife

Page 59

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There was a pulsing silence, broken only by the fractured sound of her breathing.

Underneath his tan, Zander lost his colour and his eyes glittered dangerously. ‘Mistress? You’re suggesting that Marina is my mistress?’

‘I don’t know.’ She spread her hands, her eyes flashing with anger. ‘You tell me, Zander. I know she used to be. As for whether it’s still going on—what exactly is this deal you’re negotiating with Kouropoulos? Does it include his director of Corporate Affairs?’

‘That’s enough.’ With a growl of anger he stepped forward and closed his hands around the tops of her arms. ‘You’re not making any sense. I assumed you were upset because Marina was your boss and she was there when I fired you. I assumed that was the reason why you were so quiet over dinner—because you were embarrassed—’

She lifted her chin, her eyes blazing with passion and pride. ‘I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I did nothing wrong. You were the one who was wrong to fire me! But that should be on your conscience, not mine.’

He closed his eyes briefly and muttered under his breath. ‘Which accusation am I dealing with here? Let’s go back to the mistress. Why are you suggesting that Marina is my mistress?’

‘Because she used to be and tonight you seemed extremely pleased to see her,’ Lauranne said bitterly, trying to pull away from him.

His grip tightened on her arms, holding her firm. ‘Listen to me carefully, Lauranne, because I’m not in the habit of repeating myself.’ His voice was dangerously soft. ‘I have never had an affair with Marina.’

‘How can you say that?’ She looked at him, pain shimmering in her eyes. ‘She was in your office. Naked.’

He looked at her with a convincing lack of comprehension.

‘When?’ He gave her a shake, his dark eyes suddenly blazing with an emotion that she didn’t recognise. ‘When was she ever naked in my office?’

‘That night you found me with Tom! What did you think I’d do, Zander?’ She struggled in his arms but he still held her fast, refusing to let her go, his strong fingers biting into her soft flesh. ‘Behave like a good little wife and wait quietly for you to come back to me?’

She twisted violently and this time he let her go, his handsome face blank of expression as his hands fell to his sides.

‘I want you to tell me exactly what happened that night,’ he said harshly, his breathing rapid. ‘And don’t miss out anything.’

She closed her eyes and choked back a sob. ‘It was bad enough the first time. Do I really have to relive it?’

‘Every detail.’ His jaw was set aggressively and she took a deep breath.

* * *

‘He wants to see me?’ Lauranne put down the list of journalists that she’d been amending, unable to suppress the smile. ‘Right now?’

‘It seems your husband can’t get enough of you.’ Tom, her colleague, observed, a trace of sarcasm in his tone as he relayed the message.

Lauranne got to her feet. ‘I thought he was working.’

‘I don’t think his mind is on his work,’ Tom said shortly. ‘And it hasn’t been for the past two months. You’ve done what no one else has managed. You’ve finally snared the boss.’

Lauranne frowned at his tone. She’d really enjoyed working with Tom, but he’d changed towards her since her relationship with Zander had begun. Snared the boss. ‘You make it sound awful.’

It sounded so cool and calculating and that wasn’t what had happened at all. She’d fallen in love. And even if Zander had never actually said those words to her yet, he would one day. And in the meantime—well, he’d married her, hadn’t he? For a man like Zander, a man with a reputation for avoiding commitment, his gesture meant more than words, surely?

‘Better get yourself up there,’ Tom said lightly. ‘You don’t want to keep the man waiting.’

Unable to contain the bubble of happiness, Lauranne nodded. ‘OK. If anyone wants to know where I am, I’ll—’

‘Lauranne, you’re with the boss.’ Tom’s voice had an edge to it. ‘Who’s going to question it? And anyway, I’m off to the bar for a drink.’

Lauranne bit her lip, reflecting that Tom clearly had some sort of problem with her relationship. And he seemed to be drinking more and more. ‘Right.’

Too excited at the prospect of seeing Zander in the middle of the working day, she pushed the thought away, resolving to have a frank discussion with Tom later. They’d been firm friends since the day she’d started working at Volakis Industries. They’d be able to sort out any problems.

Her heart thudding with anticipation, she straightened her scarlet silk skirt and on impulse released her hair from its pony-tail. It fell softly onto her shoulders and she swung her head a few times, knowing that this was the way Zander loved it.

Only one more week and they’d be leaving the Caribbean hotel where they’d met and married and returning to his home in Athens.

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