The Summer Seekers - Page 58

Only when she’d dried her hair did she finally switch on her phone.

She had several missed calls from Sean, and before she could decide what she was going to do about that, he called again.

She picked up, not sure what to expect from the conversation. “Hi.”

“Liza? Thank goodness. I’ve been worried sick about you.” The tone of his voice and the faint crackle told her he was calling her from the car.

“Why would you be worried about me?”

“Because you took off with no warning! I had no idea you were intending to go to Cornwall this weekend. And I feel—” The phone went dead.

“Hello?” She checked the screen to see if they were still connected. “Sean?”

“Yes. Are you there?”

“Yes. I missed what you said.” How did he feel? Had he realized he’d missed their anniversary?

She waited, determined to be relaxed and forgiving. He was busy. They both were. It was one of the many things that needed addressing.

“I feel frustrated that you did that without talking to me, without checking that the plan would work for me.”

She forced herself to breathe. She could discuss it, right here and now, but she knew what would happen. For all his faults, Sean was a good man. If she confessed how she was feeling, he’d turn the car round and head straight down to Cornwall to see her and she didn’t want that. She wanted time on her own, and for once in her life she was going to do what she wanted.

“I promised my mother I’d keep an eye on Popeye.”

“Well, the timing is bad. I am buried under work. I had to leave the house this morning before the girls were awake, and I’ll be home late so the last thing I need is to be clearing up the mess they make in the kitchen.”

Were they even capable of having a conversation that didn’t involve managing tasks and the girls? At the beginning of their relationship they’d played a game, Big Dreams, Little Dreams, sharing everything they’d hoped for, but those dreams were like an old threadbare rug. Trodden on and mostly forgotten.

“If they make a mess, they can clear it up themselves. If they need to be somewhere they can take public transport. They’re old enough to figure it out.”

“Who are you and what have you done with Liza?”

She licked her lips. “You’re always telling me we need to trust them.”

“That was before they wrecked the house. The builders are coming in this week, by the way. Can you be in on Tuesday?”

“No. Leave them a key.”

“You never leave builders in the house without supervision.”

“If you trust them then so do I?” She didn’t care about the builders.

There was a silence. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

No, but she wasn’t ready to talk about it. “I’m tired after the drive. You know how it is at the end of the school year.” She heard him curse under his breath. “Are you all right?”

“Traffic is bad. I’m going to be late.”

“Where are you going?”

“On-site meeting.”

“It’s Saturday.”

“This project is a nightmare. I don’t see how I can join you with things the way they are right now.”

The feeling of relief was swiftly swamped by guilt. What did it say about her that she was pleased that her husband couldn’t join her?

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024