The Summer Seekers - Page 87

She wouldn’t have wanted to be on her own with this. When Kathleen had collapsed onto Josh, Martha had felt terrified for her, vulnerable and a long way from home.

What if something happened to Kathleen? It was something she’d considered, of course, but there was a big difference between contemplating the possibility of something and experiencing it.

The doctor had proceeded to give Kathleen a thorough checkup, while Martha hovered in attendance.

Reassured that there was nothing that fluids and rest wouldn’t cure, Martha had then insisted that Kathleen follow instructions and rest on her bed for the evening. She’d intended to stay with her and keep her company, but Kathleen had insisted she wanted to be left alone to sleep. Martha had reluctantly agreed to spend the evening in her own room, next door.

She’d assumed Josh would do his own thing, but he’d insisted on keeping Martha company.

At first she’d protested. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“If Kathleen gets worse, you can sit with her while I call the doctor.” He’d refused to discuss it, and she’d been relieved to have him there for moral support so she hadn’t argued too hard.

The drama had broken the ice between them, removing the barriers she’d erected.

Truthfully, he’d impressed her. He could have walked away, but he hadn’t.

They’d passed the next few hours playing cards, and despite her anxiety he’d managed to distract her and make her laugh.

Eventually he’d vanished to track down food and Martha had checked on Kathleen.

She’d done the same a few times in the night, using the flashlight on her phone to leave and enter the room quietly.

All the same, it had been a relief when sunlight had finally peeped through the curtains. Things seemed less scary and generally more manageable in daylight.

“What did you two do last night when I was having my long rest?” Kathleen accepted the bowl of berrie

s Martha handed her. “Did you dress up and find a lovely restaurant?”

Did she think it was date night?

Martha didn’t know whether to be amused or exasperated that a health fright didn’t seem to have dented Kathleen’s enthusiasm for matchmaking. “We split a pizza and played cards. Yogurt?” She handed one to Kathleen.

“Thank you, dear. It’s all very healthy and delicious, although I do miss crispy bacon.”

Josh finished his coffee. “I’m sure I can track down bacon.” He left the room and Kathleen put her bowl down and reached for Martha’s hand.

“I apologize. You didn’t sign up to be a nurse. You’ve been very kind, but if you wish to resign, I understand.”

“Resign? No way. Don’t you fret about anything. You need to drink.” Martha poured her another glass of ice water and watched while Kathleen sipped it.

“I’ll be right as rain in a few minutes. Particularly if Josh tracks down bacon. Isn’t he a wonder?”

“He’s been a big help.” Martha was careful not to be too effusive in case Kathleen’s next request was that they book a wedding venue. “Are you sure I can’t call Liza back? I think she’d want to know that you weren’t well.”

“What would be the point? You’d give her something else to worry about and she already has more than enough. I can’t believe she’s actually in Oakwood by herself. You have no idea what a step forward that is, although I’m a little worried about what it means for her and Sean. I do hope the man comes to his senses. Do you think I should call him?”

“I do not.” As someone who had been on the receiving end of Kathleen’s energetic attempts to meddle with relationships, Martha was swift with her response. “I think you should leave it to them. How are you feeling, really? And don’t put on a brave face.”

“I’m better. You heard the doctor, it’s nothing serious.”

“Doctors don’t know everything.” Martha poured Kathleen some juice. “You know what my diagnosis is? Too much meddling with my love life.” She was relieved to see Kathleen smile.

“That part has been relaxing. And look how well I did. Isn’t he perfect? I chose him for his shoulders and his nice eyes, but it turns out the rest of him is equally magnificent.”


“If Josh hadn’t caught me, I probably would have knocked myself unconscious. I now have firsthand experience of his superior muscle tone. Maybe you could try fainting on him, that might accelerate the relationship.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024