The Summer Seekers - Page 89

“I was scared. And you were wonderful. I didn’t have a chance to thank you properly last night, so I’m thanking you now.” She was conscious that his hand was still on her shoulder, warm and strong.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad she’s feeling better, and I hope the rest of your trip goes well.”

“But that’s just it—if you leave now, she’ll blame me. She’ll think I got rid of you. And that will stress her. She seems determined to travel today, so can I persuade you to travel with us? For one more day at least?” Or was that the last thing he wanted? “Or maybe you’d rather find a cooler ride than the two of us, especially if you haven’t taken a vacation in so many years. This one is probably special, and I know there’s nothing special about my driving. I’m not that experienced, as you probably guessed, although if we’d picked you up in Chicago you would have had even more reason to be nervous. I’ve improved a lot in a few days. By the time we reach Santa Monica I’m hoping to be competent. And now you’re probably thinking that you’d rather not risk your life. Which is ironic, really, because there was me worried for our safety picking up a stranger, whereas the person who should have been worried was you—” The words died as he covered her lips with his fingers.

“Yesterday I couldn’t get you talking, and today I can’t stop you talking.”

“It would reassure Kathleen to have you there and we are traveling in the same direction.” She took a breath. “Say something.”

“I was waiting for a gap in the flow of words.” The laughter in his eyes made her feel better.

“Will you come with us? For one more day. After that if you’re tired of us, I’ll let you go.”

“May I speak? Because I have a question.”

She folded her arms, nervous. “Go for it.”

“Why did she think I’d be your perfect rebound relationship?”

“You’d have to ask her that. Because you’re male and have good shoulders? Her list of criteria didn’t seem long. Also you were the first man of appropriate age she happened to spot after she’d come up with her thrilling plan. But honestly, you don’t need to worry. She can plot as much as she likes, and frankly if it distracts her from feeling unwell, that’s fine by me. You know the truth now, and in case you’re wondering I should reassure you that you’re safe. I’m not remotely interested in any sort of relationship right now, even a rebound one. I took this job to get away from all that. You have no idea how much I’m loving having no emotional complications.”

He looked thoughtful. “So you don’t know her that well?”

“I have known her for less than a week.” But funnily enough she felt as if she did know her well. In the time they’d been together, Martha had told Kathleen things she’d never told anyone else.

Why was that?

She stared across the river. It was because Kathleen was interested in her, and never judged. Not once, even about the driving, had she made Martha feel like a failure.

“You have such an easy relationship I assumed you were her granddaughter.”

Martha felt a pang of loss. Spending time with Kathleen had made her realize how much she missed her grandmother. And she realized that there was nothing wrong with her life. Her unhappiness stemmed entirely from the people she was spending time with. Her family. Steven. She’d never be who they wanted her to be, and she didn’t want to be that person.

“If I could have a second grandmother, I’d choose her.” With her own family she was defensive the whole time and braced for conflict. She didn’t talk to them the way she talked to Kathleen.

On this trip she was able to be herself, and she felt happier than she had in a long time.


nbsp; Josh smiled. “She’s lucky to have found you to drive her. And now I understand why you’re doing it—but why is she doing it?”

“Route 66?” Martha forced herself to concentrate on the conversation. “She was a big traveler of course—a pioneer. But you already know that. Route 66 happened to be on her wish list I think.” Although she was starting to wonder now if Ruth hadn’t had something to do with Kathleen’s choice. She said she didn’t want to get in touch, but she was driving to California and she had to wonder, surely? It had to be on her mind. Maybe Martha would prompt her again. But it wasn’t something she could discuss with Josh. “Will you come with us today?”

“It would be my pleasure.”

The sense of relief was as welcoming as a cold shower on a hot day. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll talk to the staff at reception, and then I’ll help you load the car.”

She wanted to hug him, but after the conversation they’d just had she was afraid her gesture of gratitude might be misconstrued so she settled for a friendly punch on the arm.

“Oklahoma, here we come.”

Kathleen wasn’t wrong about his muscles, she thought. But that didn’t mean she was interested.

That was one bad decision she was not going to make.


Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024