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The Summer Seekers

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“Not anymore.”

“You like him.”

“Okay, I like him but I’m not getting involved with someone who makes me feel bad about myself.”

“No one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you let them.”

“That’s a great theory. In practice it’s not that easy.”

“Character is more important than bank balance. Josh has been heroic in his actions.”

“Because he found a doctor?”

“He also found bacon, which tells me he’s a man who has his priorities straight.” Kathleen lowered her sunglasses and looked at Martha. “Talk to him. I need to use the restroom, and I’m going to be at least fifteen minutes.”

“Fifteen? Are you planning to redecorate or something?”

“I plan to give you enough time for a proper conversation with Josh.”

“I’d rather have a conversation with you,” Martha said. “You’ve been quiet and tired the last couple of days. I should come with you.”

“You’re my driver, not my nurse although after my fainting episode I do understand why you might think your job description has expanded somewhat.” Kathleen gathered up her bag and her wrap and emerged into the bright sunlight. “Go. It’s the perfect moment.”

Was it? He’d walked away. That could be taken as a clear indication that he was annoyed with her and didn’t want to continue the conversation. On the other hand he was reserving a table, which implied that he expected them to join him.

And Martha believed strongly that issues shouldn’t be ignored. If there was one thing she couldn’t bear, it was an atmosphere.

She slid her arm into Kathleen’s as they walked to the door of the restaurant. “Is it the letters? Is that why you’re quiet? You’ve been thinking about them?” She felt a tug on her arm and stopped walking. “I know a parking lot isn’t the place for this conversation, but I don’t want to say anything in front of Josh and I’m worried about you. I know those letters are important to you. You have to be wondering what they say. I don’t really understand why you haven’t read them before now.”

“Because I was afraid I might not like what they say.”

Kathleen was scared.

Why hadn’t she realized that before? Fierce, fearless, Kathleen was scared. Even she had her vulnerabilities. She was as human as Martha.

She covered Kathleen’s hand with hers. “But if Liza reads them, then you can talk about it together.”

“I’m considering it. As I told you, we don’t have that kind of relationship. We’re not particularly close—my fault, of course.”

Because Kathleen protected herself, Martha thought. And no one understood that better than her.

But she knew how hard it must have been for Kathleen to admit that and was quick to reassure her.

“Liza loves you. I saw that when I came to meet you that day. And I see it in the messages she sends, and the way she sounds on the phone when she asks how you are. You don’t have to protect yourself from someone who loves you. She’s an adult, Kathleen. Whatever is in those letters, she’ll handle it. She’d probably like the chance to support you.”

“I don’t need support.”

“We all need support.” Martha glanced at the diner, where Josh was sitting alone. Did Josh need support? “I’ll do what you suggest and talk to Josh. But if you’re more than fifteen minutes, I’m sending in a search party.”

Kathleen squeezed Martha’s hand. “You are a very special young woman. You have high emotional intelligence.”

Martha felt her throat thicken. “You say the nicest things.”

Kathleen sighed. “I speak only the truth, and the sooner you stop mixing with dreadful people who make you think less of yourself the better. Did you delete Steven from your contacts?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, do it, while you still have the confidence to get out of bed in the morning.”

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