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The Summer Seekers

Page 110

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“He was spotted in a pub up the road from here a few weeks ago.”

“Which one?”

“The Smuggler’s Arms.”

“He’d probably heard about their famous fish and chips. You should try it as you’re in the area. People travel a long way to eat there. And try the chocolate pudding for dessert.”

One of the girls turned to the other. “Are you sure you got the right pub? If he lived around here, she’d know.”

“Try farther up the coast.” Liza waved her arm vaguely. “And be careful driving up the lane. The roads are narrow.”

“I know. We got lost twice. Thanks anyway. You should check out some of his music.”

“I’ll do that.” It was a good job they hadn’t arrived a few hours earlier and caught her dancing around the kitchen.

Liza waited until the sound of the car engine had faded in the distance and returned to the back of the garden.

The table was empty and at first she thought Finn might be hiding, and then she saw the door of the summerhouse open.

She picked up her glass of wine and walked down the garden.

The air was thick and heavy with the heat but she could see ominous clouds gathering on the horizon. They were forecasting a storm.

“I’m not surprised you were hiding. They were scary.” She stepped through the door of the summerhouse to find Finn studying her painting. She felt a flash of insecurity. “Is that what you have to deal with all the time?”

He didn’t turn. “No, most of the time it’s much worse.”

“How awful. What’s the going rate for a bodyguard?”

“Mostly it’s a voluntary position but it does come with buckets of gratitude. Here, hold this—” He turned and handed her his glass of wine so that he had his hands free. “This is incredible.”

“I know. I used to almost live down here when I was a child, but my mother barely uses it. I cleaned it up after I saw you that day and I’ve been using it as a studio ever since.”

“I’m not talking about the summerhouse. I’m talking about this painting. Is this going to be mine?”

“I wasn’t sure you were serious.”

“Oh I’m serious. I don’t believe you’ve done all these since the weekend.” Without apology he started looking through the canvases she had stacked against the wall.

“Some are old. I’d forgotten they were here.” And she was a little embarrassed that he was looking at them.

“How can you forget work like this? Thanks for dealing with those women, by the way.”

“You’re welcome. It was more excitement than I usually have in a day. Do you think I have a future in espionage?”

“No, but I think you have a future as an artist.” Finn bent down and took a closer look at one of the canvases. “They’re stunning. You have a real gift, Liza.”

“Thank you. That’s kind.”

“I’m never kind. Ask anyone who knows me.” He pulled one of the larger canvases out and rested it on the table. “Will you sell me this?”

“Instead of the other one?”

“No. I want both.” He studied her work in progress. “This would look perfect in my hallway.”

“It isn’t finished.”

“Then finish it and name your price.”

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