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Kisses at Sunset

Page 28

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‘Is that a fact?’ Josh glanced at Kat, a wicked gleam in his blue eyes. ‘Well, then, I know who to come to for tuition in that direction. Yes, Archie.’ His gaze returned to the boy. ‘If your mum agrees…’ he shrugged carelessly ‘…then, yes, you can help me with the boat again.’

Torn between gratitude that he’d made her son feel at home and anxiety about potentially seeing more of him, Kat found herself at a loss for words. He made her feel breathless and shaky and aware of every single feminine part of herself. ‘Well…’ She flushed slightly and brushed strands of her long hair out of her eyes. ‘I don’t—’

‘Good.’ Josh straightened, his eyes fixed on her hair. Then he sucked in a breath and smiled. ‘That’s settled, then.’ He dragged his gaze back to Archie. ‘I’m guessing you’re too young for beer, am I right?’

Archie grinned with delight. ‘I’m six years old. What do you think?’

‘Archie!’ Kat’s tone was sharp and she looked at her son in shock. ‘Manners!’

‘Stupid of me.’ Josh nodded and his eyes slid over the boy. ‘Of course you’re too young. It’s just that you look so grown up.’ He rubbed the dark stubble on his chin, his expression serious. ‘So what do kids of your age drink these days? Educate me.’ He glanced towards the cool box, which was filled to the brim with ice and bottles of beer. ‘I think there’s cola in there or you could try Louisa’s lemonade. It’s good. She makes it herself and everything she makes is pretty good.’

‘I like lemonade.’

‘Lemonade it is, then. Good choice.’ Josh strolled over to the cool box and pulled out a bottle. ‘Kat? What about you?’

She wished he was wearing more than just a pair of shorts. His upper body was bronzed and powerfully built and he had muscles in every place a man should have muscles. There was no getting away from it. Josh Sullivan had an amazing body and she was finding it harder and harder to look away.

‘I’ll have lemonade, too, please.’ Maybe if she drank enough, it would cool her down. She wasn’t used to thinking like this. She wasn’t used to feeling like this. She—

‘Here.’ He pressed a chilled glass into her hand. ‘Hot, isn’t it?’

Something in his tone made her lift her gaze to his and she was instantly trapped. ‘It’s summer,’ she croaked, and he gave a slow smile that was more than a little ironic.

‘I wasn’t talking about the weather, Kat.’

Instinctively she looked for Archie but he’d taken his lemonade and was now at the other side of the garden with Hopeful and Louisa, entirely at home and comfortable.

‘He’s fine.’ Josh knocked the top off a cold beer. ‘Stop hiding behind

your child.’

‘I’m not hiding.’

‘Yes, you are.’

Her fingers tightened on the glass. ‘Why would I be hiding?’

‘I’m asking myself the same question.’ He took a step closer to her, a wicked, sexy gleam in his blue eyes. ‘And I’m coming up with all sorts of interesting answers, Kat. You look good, by the way. In fact you look amazing. Just as good as you did in your nightdress, and that is really saying something. I ought to tell you that I thoroughly approve of what you wear in bed.’

She felt her cheeks heat. So he had noticed. ‘I—You—I woke up and found Archie missing.’ She brushed her hair out of her eyes, thoroughly flustered. ‘I didn’t even think about what I was wearing.’

‘I know.’ The smile in his eyes faded, to be replaced by something more serious. ‘All you thought about was Archie, wasn’t it?’

‘I love him.’

‘He’s a lucky boy.’

Was he? Kat glanced across to her son who was rolling on the grass with the dog, helpless with laughter and thoroughly enjoying himself. ‘I try to give him a good life, but it’s hard not to worry.’

‘Because you’re a single parent?’

She gave a wry smile and blew a strand of hair away from her face. ‘Actually, I’d probably worry even if I was married,’ she confessed. ‘Worry is my middle name.’

‘Because you’re a devoted mother.’ Josh raised his beer to his lips and drank. ‘Is his father on the scene?’

She shook her head. ‘No.’ She kept her tone light even though just thinking about Archie’s father was enough to turn bright sunshine to darkness. ‘He didn’t want the responsibility.’

And although she’d long since recovered from the hurt, her heart still ached for Archie. He should have had a father who cared. Who wanted to be with him.

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