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Kisses at Sunset

Page 35

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‘I know how lucky I am.’ Louisa’s tone was soft. ‘I’d been looking for the right family to join for a long time. The Sullivans are nearly perfect.’

Kat looked at her. ‘You were looking for a family to join? What do you mean by that?’

Louisa helped herself to more chicken. ‘Didn’t manage it as a child so I always promised myself that when I grew up, I’d find the right people. I was a homeless waif,’ she confessed. ‘I spent my childhood in foster-homes and in care. Too much of a handful for anyone to want to adopt me. Maybe that’s why I identify with Hopeful.’ She glanced at the dog who was now sprawled over Archie’s legs like a blanket. ‘I know what it’s like to be a misfit.’

Kat couldn’t hide her surprise. ‘I—You were in care?’

She found it impossible to believe.

‘Close your mouth, you’re about to swallow a fly,’ Louisa teased. ‘What’s wrong?’

Kat struggled to put her thoughts into words. ‘It’s just that you seem so…happy. And yet you obviously had a really difficult childhood.’

‘It was the pits.’ Shadows flickered across Louisa’s face but then faded, blotted out by her smile. ‘But I always told myself that the past didn’t matter, only my future. And I was determined not to let the before spoil my happy-ever-after, if you see what I mean. I knew what I wanted. To belong. And now I do. And, yes, I know I’m lucky.’

Kat glanced across the garden to Mac, who was talking to his brother with one eye on his wife.

‘He adores you.’

‘I know.’ Louisa gave him a loving smile then turned her attention back to Kat. ‘And what about you?’

Kat didn’t pretend to misunderstand her. ‘I have Archie.’

‘And he’s great. But you should share him with someone.’ Louisa chuckled as Archie rolled on the rug with the dog. ‘It’s selfish of you to keep a gorgeous boy like that to yourself.’

‘Unfortunately, real life isn’t that straightforward.’ Kat couldn’t keep the sadness out of her tone. ‘I haven’t yet met a man capable of living up to the responsibility of his own child, let alone someone else’s. And I wouldn’t ever take a risk on Archie’s happiness.’

‘Life is all about taking risk,’ Louisa said thoughtfully. ‘It’s just important to take the right risk at the right time, and you’d need a special man to make you do it, I can see that.’

‘I’m not looking for a man,’ Kat said hastily, wondering if Louisa had intercepted the chemistry sizzling between her and Josh. ‘Although sometimes I think Archie needs more of a male influence in his life. He’s such a boy boy, if you know what I mean.’

Louisa licked barbecue sauce from her fingers and smiled. ‘I can see that about him. He’s very rough and tumble.’

‘And he loves things like football—’ Kat broke off and brushed her hair out of her eyes with a rueful smile. ‘I’m not much of a footballer but I do my best.’

‘Josh is a great footballer. He’d kick a ball around with Archie.’

Kat shot her a suspicious look but Louisa’s expression was totally innocent as she put her plate down on the table.

‘Hey, Archie!’ She called across, laughter in her eyes. ‘That dog of mine is getting fat and lazy. Fancy playing football with him?’

‘Really? He can play football?’ Archie scrambled to his feet and Hopeful bounded around him, tail wagging.

‘He’s brilliant in goal.’ Louisa rubbed her back and winced. ‘There’s a ball here somewhere.’ She glanced over at Mac. ‘Where’s the football? I know I saw it the other day.’

He grinned and dropped his eyes to her stomach. ‘You look as though you might very possibly have swallowed it, my sweetheart.’

‘Oh, ha, ha, very funny.’ Louisa walked awkwardly across the lawn towards him but her eyes were dancing. ‘The jokes are on me now, but pretty soon the tables will be turned, Dr Sullivan. This particular football is going to be keeping you awake at nights.’

‘Don’t remind me,’ Mac groaned, but there was no missing the love in his eyes as he looked at his wife.

Josh placed a hand on Louisa’s abdomen. ‘It’s so enormous. I know I keep asking you this, but doesn’t it hurt?’

‘Only when he kicks me hard. Like now.’ Louisa winced. ‘How are you two at delivering babies?’

‘Don’t even joke about it.’ Josh gave a shudder and backed away, hands raised in a gesture of male helplessness. ‘I’m an A and E doctor. I don’t deliver babies.’

‘A and E doctors are supposed to be able do everything,’ Louisa reminded him mildly, and Josh shook his head, but there was laughter in his eyes.

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