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Kisses at Sunset

Page 49

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‘I need you, Kat.’ His voice was rough and he felt her hands jerk at his shirt and fumble with his trousers.

‘Yes.’ Her voice was a soft gasp in the night air. ‘Oh, yes…’

With a violence he hadn’t known he was capable of, he kissed her neck and then slid lower, groaning as he took the tip of one breast into his mouth and discovered the true meaning of pleasure. He felt her nipple harden in instant response, and slid his hand down her body, to the junction of her thighs. Tiny panties were the only clothing that remained on her body and they were damp as his fingers probed and then slipped inside her.

His hottest fantasies became reality and she arched against him, sobbed his name and squirmed under his deliberate caress.

His vision blurred and the need threatened to choke him. He hadn’t planned it to happen this way. Not here. Not now. But her hands were stroking him and her soft, sweet body was urging him closer and closer.

With a rough curse he ripped her panties and came down over her, claiming her mouth just a fraction of a second before he claimed her body with his, thrusting deep, his fingers biting hard into her bottom as he held her firm.

He heard her cry out as he filled her, felt her close round him, hot and tight, but he couldn’t hold back, couldn’t do anything except take her hard and fast, with the sounds of the sea roaring behind him and the cool night air sliding over his heated skin.

She came almost instantly and he felt her body pulse around him, driving him closer and closer to his own pleasure. Desperately he searched for control but he couldn’t find it and he felt his vision blur as he exploded inside her, driving into her with a rhythmic force that sent her tumbling over the edge again with a series of sobbing cries.

Drained and in a state of disbelief, Josh dropped his head onto her bare shoulder and struggled for breath. It took several minutes before he could speak. Several minutes before he could say any of the things he wanted to say.

Finally he lifted his head and looked at her.

Her eyes were closed, her cheeks slightly flushed in the moonlight, and he dropped a gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth.

‘Kat, I’m sorry.’ His voice was hoarse and tinged with concern. ‘I didn’t mean it to be like that.’

There was a brief silence and then her soft mouth, bruised from the roughness of his kisses, curved into a soft smile. ‘How did you mean it to be?’

He stared down at her, relief flowing through him as he saw the smile. ‘Slow. Gentle. Not here. Not in a field with both of us too desperate to even undress. Did I hurt you?’

‘No.’ Her eyes opened and she looked at him. ‘Don’t apologise for wanting me so badly you couldn’t wait, Josh.’ Her voice was husky. ‘It wasn’t exactly conventional, but I think you just paid me a compliment.’

He groaned and rolled onto his back, taking her with him. ‘I don’t know what happened—’

He’d never lost control with a woman before and he felt more than a little shocked by his own behaviour.

‘Then that’s another compliment.’

They lay together, staring up at the stars, and Josh tried to remember a single moment in his life that had felt as perfect as this one. He failed.

She sighed and then sat up and reached for her dress. ‘I don’t suppose I’ll be wearing this again.’

He winced guiltily at the reminder of just how rough he’d been with her. ‘I’ll buy you a new one. A shorter one.’

She was so beautiful, her skin creamy white in the moonlight, her waist narrow and her breasts full. Despite what had happened moments before, he felt himself harden in immediate response.


Something of his reaction must have been in his voice because she held the dress against her and her swift glance was suddenly shy. ‘What?’

‘Let’s go home so that I can show you what I had planned.’ He found that he was holding his breath. He’d never invited a woman back to his house before. He preferred to be the one in control, the one who decided when the evening ended, but somehow, with Kat,

everything felt different. He wanted her in his home, in his bed. Would she say no? ‘Let’s go home so that next time I can take more time.’

There was a long silence and then she gave a slow smile and bent to kiss him. ‘That sounds good.’ Her voice was pure seduction. ‘But you’re going to have to lend me your shirt to walk back to the car.’

The way she was looking at him, he wasn’t at all sure he’d ever be able to walk again, but he certainly intended to give it a try.

And he was prepared to sacrifice every scrap of clothing if that was what it took to persuade her to come home with him.

He reached for his shirt and gently wrapped it around her. ‘Let’s move.’

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