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Kisses at Sunset

Page 75

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Jenny watched her curiously. ‘Why are you measuring it?’

Ally hesitated and made a note on her pad. ‘You were quite right to come and see me, Jenny, because suspicious moles do need to be checked out.’

‘And this is suspicious?’

‘It certainly needs to come off.’

Jenny swallowed. ‘Do you think it’s cancer?’

Ally hesitated. ‘It’s impossible to say, without removing it and examining the cells under a microscope.’

‘But you think it might be, don’t you?’ Jenny probed, her eyes wide and anxious.

‘It’s possible,’ Ally admitted, ‘but we need to arrange for a specialist to remove the mole and have a proper look at it.’

‘And if it is?’ Jenny swallowed. ‘What then?’

Ally reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. ‘Jenny, it may be nothing. Why don’t we wait for the results before we discuss the options?’

Jenny took a deep breath. ‘OK. How long will I have to wait fo

r an appointment? I won’t sleep a wink until I know…’

‘They’re very quick,’ Ally assured her, reaching for her hospital phone directory. ‘I’ll phone Mr Gordon, the plastic surgeon, today and he should see you this week.’

‘Plastic surgeon? I thought it would be a dermatologist.’

‘When it comes to removing moles it can be either. Mr Gordon is very good.’

Jenny gave her a shaky smile. ‘Well, at least I won’t have to wait long. Will I have to stay in hospital?’

Ally shook her head. ‘No. They’ll remove it under local anaesthetic as a day case and then ask you to go back for the results.’

Jenny nodded and stood up. ‘Oh, well! Nothing to do but wait, then. Thanks, Dr McGuire.’

Ally watched her go and felt suddenly depressed. She was sure the mole would turn out to be malignant, and Jenny was a young woman with two small children…

Forcing those thoughts away, she phoned Mr Gordon’s secretary and arranged for an urgent referral. Then she glanced at her watch, gasping as she saw the time. She was late for Will’s meeting.

She flicked off her computer and hurried to the staffroom, stroking her wayward blonde curls back out of her eyes. Her hair hated being tied up for work and rebelled by gradually escaping from the tidy plait she started the day with. Maybe she should have replaited it before the meeting—but, then, it was only Will and the other partners and she was already late.

‘Sorry, Will! I had two extras and—’ She broke off and froze, her eyes fixed on the man lounging in one of the easy chairs. It was Sean Nicholson, freshly shaved and wearing stylish trousers and a jacket, a look of amused satisfaction pulling at the corners of his mouth as he watched her stunned reaction.

Will was looking as pleased as Punch with himself, although he didn’t quite meet her eyes. ‘There you are, Ally! I wanted to introduce you to our new locum.’

For a moment her heart flipped and words failed her.

With a slight smile Sean intervened, his voice that same deep, lazy drawl she remembered so well. ‘We’ve met. Hello again, Ally.’

Had he known? Was that why he hadn’t pressed her for her address? Because he’d somehow known he’d be working here with her? Had Jack said something? Suddenly she felt a shaft of panic. She didn’t want to work with this man! He made her feel—feel—

‘I didn’t know you’d met—that’s excellent.’ Will was still smiling, gesturing for Ally to sit down. Her legs wouldn’t move. ‘Where did you meet?’

Ally didn’t trust the innocent look on Will’s face. And then she remembered that he’d met Jack for a drink, so he must have known about Sean…

‘We met on the fells.’ Sean was watching her closely, his dark eyes slightly narrowed. ‘She was giving me advice on my abseiling.’

Will chuckled and placed a tray of coffee on the low table. ‘I hadn’t considered how much the pair of you have in common. That’s excellent. It will make for a good working relationship.’

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