Kisses at Sunset - Page 77

Like proving to themselves they could do it.

Sean shook his head, his tone cool and unemotional. ‘Those boys could have killed themselves out there.’

And, in fact, if it hadn’t been for Sean’s skill Pete would undoubtedly have died, but Ally still couldn’t bear him to make judgements about a person he didn’t know.

‘He was unlucky.’

‘He was a fool.’ Sean lobbed a crisp packet into the bin, his eyes hard. ‘He shouldn’t have been out in those conditions at all. And neither should you.’

‘I wasn’t taking risks, Dr Nicholson.’

‘No?’ His mouth tightened. ‘You’ve all the bulk of an elf and you’re roaming those hills in the middle of November on your own.’

‘It’s October,’ she said sweetly, wondering why Will looked so pleased with himself. They were arguing, for heaven’s sake! Shouldn’t he be looking worried? ‘And I don’t see how obesity would help me survi

ve in the fells. It’s equipment and knowledge that count, not size. I know those hills and I don’t take risks. I was the one who told you the safest place to abseil, remember? Jack knew I was out walking and he had my route. I had the dog with me and I had basic survival gear.’

His jaw tightened. ‘If you were my woman I’d put a stop to it.’

Her heart tumbled in her chest and her breathing jerked.

‘Well, I’m not your woman, Dr Nicholson.’

She clamped her hands in her lap and hoped he wouldn’t see them shaking. What on earth was the matter with her? She didn’t want to be his woman. She didn’t want to be anybody’s woman. All the men she’d met in her life had just been bad news. Selfish and egotistical and, from what she’d seen, Sean was no different. Get a grip! she told herself firmly. Good-looking or not, he was still a man and that put him totally off limits. She’d had enough of men to last her a lifetime.

There was something in his eyes that she couldn’t interpret and it made her nervous. He turned to Will. ‘Did you know she wanders round the fells on her own?’

‘Ally?’ Will gave a philosophical shrug. ‘Well, yes. She’s lived here all her life and she knows these fells better than anyone.’

Sean frowned. ‘And you think that qualifies her to gallivant off on her own with no back-up or equipment?’

Will shrugged and spooned sugar into his coffee. ‘She’s sensible and she’s got Hero.’

Sean blinked. ‘Hero?’

‘Her German shepherd dog. She takes him everywhere.’

‘Hero?’ Suddenly Sean laughed out loud, his hard features softened by the smile. ‘You called the dog Hero?’

Ally bristled. ‘That’s what he is to me.’

Sean watched her for a moment and then gave a small shrug. ‘Well, dog or not, she shouldn’t be walking alone, Will.’

Will helped himself to another sandwich. ‘Try stopping her. Ally knows these mountains as well as anyone around here. She was in the mountain rescue team for years. I couldn’t stop her walking any more than I could stop you, Sean.’

‘Would you mind not talking about me as if I wasn’t present?’ Ally said indignantly, chewing a sandwich with limited enthusiasm. It tasted like sawdust. ‘How do you know each other? And while you’re at it, perhaps you’d better fill me in on how you know half the mountain rescue team as well.’

‘I grew up here,’ Sean said shortly, and she saw something slam shut in his eyes.


He placed his coffee-cup carefully down on the table, his eyes cool and discouraging, all traces of humour gone. ‘And what, Dr McGuire?’

‘Well, there must be more to it than that.’ She gave him a curious look, sensing the barriers he’d just erected. ‘Did you go to school with Jack? Did Will deliver you as a baby?’

The smile faded from Will’s face and he glanced warily at Sean.

‘I didn’t know you were so interested in me.’ His handsome face was taut, and she swallowed. Obviously Sean Nicholson did not want to talk about his past.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024