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Kisses at Sunset

Page 91

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She buzzed through to Helen and asked her to check whether Mary Thompson had booked another appointment.

‘Four o’clock on Thursday’ came the reply, and Ally made a note in her diary. It could wait until then.

‘Good for Sean,’ Lucy commented, making for the door. ‘You know, you must be the envy of every woman in Britain, having that hunk living next door.’

Ally frowned impatiently. ‘He’s just my lodger.’

‘Don’t fall in love with him, Ally,’ Lucy said softly. ‘Sean’s the most gorgeous man you could ever meet but he’s not the settling-down type and you don’t need more of that type of hassle.’

As if she needed warning! ‘Are you speaking from experience?’

‘No!’ Lucy shook her head, her hand on the door. ‘I was at school with him for a while, although he was years ahead of me.’

‘What was he like?’ Ally hated herself for asking the question but somehow she couldn’t stop herself.

Lucy pulled a face. ‘The original bad boy. All the girls were crazy about him.’

Ally smiled wryly. Why didn’t that piece of information come as a surprise? ‘Including you?’

Lucy gave a wry smile. ‘Well, I can’t claim not to find him attractive, but there’s something about him that ties me in knots and makes me nervous. He’s incredibly tough and self-reliant, and I like my men a little more approachable.’

Ally frowned. ‘I know what you mean. He’s a total male chauvinist pig.’

Lucy gave a short laugh. ‘Well, he’s certainly all man if that’s what you mean.’

All man. You could say that again. ‘But you’re really fond of him…’

‘I owe him a lot.’ Lucy fiddled with the doorhandle and took a deep breath. ‘I was badly bullied for a while at school, and in the end it was Sean who sorted them out.’

Ally sat back in her chair, her eyes wide. ‘What did he do?’

Lucy gave a short laugh, her eyes shadowed. ‘Well, let’s just say they never bullied anyone again after he’d finished with them.’

The intercom buzzed and Ally answered it, glancing at her watch as Helen asked her to see an extra.

‘No problem—I haven’t got that many calls so send them in.’ She gave an apologetic smile to Lucy. ‘Back to the grindstone.’

Lucy tugged open the door and stared at Ally thoughtfully. ‘On second thoughts, ignore what I just said. You might be just what Sean needs.’

Just what Sean needs? What did he need? And what about what she needed? Ally stared after her and then blinked as the door opened and Jack entered.

‘Jack?’ She smiled in surprise and pulled herself together rapidly. ‘I wasn’t expecting you.’

He gave a rueful smile. ‘I know, and I feel really guilty bothering you with this on a Saturday…’

Ally dismissed his apologies quickly. ‘Saturday surgery is just like any other, Jack, you know that. Will was sensitive to the fact that so many people can’t get to the doctor in the week, and it certainly cuts down the number of house calls we make at a weekend, so don’t feel guilty. What’s the problem?’

Jack pulled a face. ‘Pains in my chest—awful, burning pains.’

Ally frowned and questioned him in detail about the pain, making notes as she did so.

‘And does it go when you eat?’

‘Funnily enough, yes.’ Jack nodded thoughtfully. ‘Is it an ulcer?’

‘Maybe. I need to examine you properly.’ Ally questioned him further on the exact nature of the pain and then examined him carefully.

‘I can’t feel anything abnormal, Jack,’ she said finally as she washed her hands and waited for him to get dressed. ‘And your symptoms do sound like a gastric ulcer.’

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