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Kisses at Sunset

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‘And when you were walking in the fells on your own—wasn’t he protecting you then, too?’

‘I don’t know.’ Ally shrugged and frowned. ‘Well, yes, I suppose so, but I don’t—’

‘You can’t blame a man for wanting to protect his woman.’

Oh, for goodness’ sake, first her mother and now Will! ‘I’m not his woman and I never will be! I’m not the sort of person who can have a quick fling and then wave goodbye while they ride off into the sunset.’

Will gazed at her thoughtfully. ‘And you think Sean would do that?’

She gave him an impatient look. ‘Of course he would! Sean has never stayed in one place for more than five minutes, has he?’

‘That’s the legacy of his childhood, I’m afraid. He takes what he can get, never trusts anyone. And, quite frankly, I can’t blame him.’ Will rubbed his chin slowly and Ally snuggled deeper into her scarf to escape from the biting wind.

‘Well, he won’t change now.’

Will glanced at her. ‘I disagree. What he needs is to fall in love so completely that he has no choice but to change.’

‘You’ve been reading fairy tales, Will.’

For a long moment Ally stared at the crackling bonfire, seeing Sean’s face as clearly as if it were in front of her. The arrogant tilt of his jaw, those incredible dark eyes—was there a woman he could fall in love with?

‘He’s so controlled, Will. I can’t see him ever letting go of his emotions.’

Will gave a wry smile. ‘Oh, I can. What I can’t see is getting him to admit it.’

Ally glanced up and caught the intense look in his eyes. ‘Don’t look at me, Will. I’m not the right person for Sean.’

Will gave a snort. ‘Well, I think you probably are. I can feel the tension between the two of you a mile away.’

Ally shook her head, blushing slightly. ‘I admit he probably fancies me, but that’s all. Sean wants a compliant woman who’ll stay at home and take care of him, not someone who works and goes off walking in the fells on her own. He thinks I’m impulsive and that I take risks. I’m just not his type.’

Will gave a short laugh. ‘Oh, don’t kid yourself. You’re exactly his type.’

Ally swallowed, her voice barely a whisper. ‘He’d really hurt me…’

Will gave a small shrug. ‘Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it’s worth the risk.’

Worth the risk. That was what Sean had said. But it wasn’t a risk she fancied taking. She frowned suddenly. But why not? She took other risks, as Sean was always quick to point out. Why not this one? Casting a glance over her shoulder, her eyes fastened on Sean who was at the farthest end of the field, laughing with one of the mountain rescue team. Even at this distance he looked powerful and male. And very, very attractive.

The sound of her name being shouted made her turn, and she smiled as she saw Jenny Monroe, complete with husband and twins, walking towards her.

‘Oh, Dr McGuire, I’m so glad we bumped into you. I just wanted to say thanks for arranging that babysitting for Thursday.’

Ally dragged her blonde hair over one shoulder. ‘No problem at all. Were you able to have a good chat with the consultant?’

Jenny exchanged looks with her husband, who nodded. ‘He reckons Jen won’t need any more surgery because the mole wasn’t that deep. He said she’d done well to spot it so early.’

Ally smiled at them both. ‘That’s really good. I’m so pleased.’

‘I need to have regular check-ups.’ Jenny bit her lip and shifted one of the twins onto her other hip, ‘But he said I shouldn’t need any chemotherapy or anything. Can I come and talk to you about it some time? I didn’t really understand.’

‘Of course. Make an appointment any time that suits you.’

Ally chatted with them for a few more minutes and then they decided the twins were tired and should be in bed so she said goodbye and returned to Will and his group.

Jack was checking that everyone was standing in the right place, ready for the fireworks. Massive bangs and whistles filled the air and the sky lit up to cries of ‘Ooh’ and ‘Ahh’.

Everyone was staring up at the sky when the screams started, loud and terrified, piercing the cold air.

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