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Kisses at Sunset

Page 113

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‘Hop?’ Felicity grinned and eased herself up, hobbling painfully over to the couch. ‘I could be wrong but I don’t think I’ll ever hop again.’

Ally laughed. ‘You will. With two under five and a new baby you’ll spend all day hopping.’

‘Don’t! I can’t even bear to think about how I’m going to manage.’ Felicity wriggled down and exposed her bump. ‘It feels huge.’

Ally slid her hands over Felicity’s abdomen, palpating the lie of the baby. ‘Not at all. I think it’s a nice size.’

‘That’s because you’re not the one who has to have it,’ Felicity said dryly.

‘True.’ Ally laughed and picked up the Sonicaid. ‘The baby’s in a good position. Let’s have a listen.’

The rhythmic galloping of the foetal heartbeat echoed around the room and they exchanged smiles.

‘Oh, lovely!’ Felicity grinned and then sobered. ‘I’m dreading it, Dr McGuire. I know you keep telling me not to panic but I keep thinking of the other two…’

‘I know you’ll be fine this time.’ Ally switched off the Sonicaid. ‘What are you doing with the other two when you go in with this one?’

‘Oh, my mum will come. She’s only ten minutes away.’

Ally helped her to sit up and scribbled on her notes while Felicity straightened her clothing.

‘Well, I don’t think this baby will be here for a few days yet.’

‘Really?’ Felicity chewed her lip. ‘I don’t know whether to be pleased or sorry. Sometimes you wonder whether they’re more trouble out than in.’

Ally laughed as she opened the door and helped her with the buggy. ‘Make sure you let me know if anything happens.’

Felicity grinned. ‘You’ll probably hear the yelling. Thanks, Dr McGuire.’

* * *

Ally tucked the map back into her pocket and lifted her face to the wind.

‘Fantastic, isn’t it?’ Sean stared at the view, his hard features relaxed and contented.

‘Yes. I love this time of year.’ Ally’s cheeks were pink from the cold and strands of blonde hair had escaped from her woolly hat, framing her face. ‘No tourists.’

Sean glanced up at the sky and frowned slightly. ‘I don’t like the look of that.’

Ally followed his gaze and shrugged. ‘The forecast was good.’

‘Yes.’ Sean didn’t seem convinced, staring at the sky with narrowed eyes.

‘Did you do a lot of outdoor stuff in the army?’

He turned to look at her with a smile that melted her bones. ‘Oh, yes. We used to have to spend days at a time outside under the stars. Survival training.’

‘You lucky thing—being paid to spend days in the mountains.’

He gave a short laugh. ‘Well, it wasn’t always a bed of roses. The Brecon Beacons covered in snow in the middle of winter isn’t the most inviting terrain.’

Ally carried on up the path, falling into step behind him. ‘It must have been dangerous.’

‘Oh, it was.’ Sean hitched his rucksack more comfortably on his back. ‘The army loses people on exercise far more often than they like to admit.’

‘When did you decide you wanted to be a doctor?’

He stopped walking and leaned against a rock, staring across the stark mountain scenery.

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