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Kisses at Sunset

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There was a long silence and then Mrs Watson sighed, rubbing her fingers along her brow to ease the strain. ‘She doesn’t take them.’

So Lucy had been right. ‘What do you mean, she doesn’t take them?’

‘You wouldn’t understand…’

Ally settled herself on one of the kitchen chairs, her expression sympathetic. ‘Try me.’

Mrs Watson stared at the floor for a long minute. ‘It’s because of my nephew. He takes steroids and they’re affecting him so badly. It’s awful—his growth, the shape of his face…’ She sniffed. ‘I don’t want that happening to my Kelly.’

‘Is your nephew asthmatic, too?’

‘No.’ Mrs Watson blew her nose and shook her head. ‘No, he isn’t. He’s got ulcerative colitis, but steroids are steroids, aren’t they?’

‘Well, no, actually, they’re not, but I can see why you’re worried.’ Ally chose her words carefully. ‘The first big difference is that Kelly’s steroids are inhaled, and there are fewer side effects when the drugs are taken that way.’

‘But they could still affect her growth, couldn’t they?’

‘It’s possible,’ Ally said honestly, ‘although I doubt it at the doses that Kelly takes. Studies have shown that untreated asthma can also affect children’s growth patterns.’

Mrs Watson frowned. ‘What, you mean it could affect her growth if she doesn’t take them?’

Ally nodded. ‘That’s right. But on top of that there’s the stress and fear every time she has an attack. It’s frightening for all of you.’

‘And you don’t think the drugs will make her like my nephew?’

‘No, I don’t. I think what’s essential here is to find just the right level of drugs to control Kelly’s asthma and give her that and no more. That’s the principle of good asthma management.’

Mrs Watson stared at her and then nodded slowly. ‘Yes. I see that now. I’ve been very silly, haven’t I?’

‘You were worrying about Kelly and I understand that, but next time you have a fear like that come and talk it through with me.’ Ally stood up and picked up her bag. ‘Now, why don’t you bring Kelly to our next asthma clinic and we’ll start from scratch again.’

Mrs Watson nodded. ‘I’ll do that. Thanks, Dr McGuire.’

Ally climbed back into her car, feeling a sense of relief. Maybe now little Kelly could start living a normal life again.

After seeing a man with chest pains, whom she admitted to hospital, and a toddler with an ear infection she called in on the Thompsons.

Mary answered the door and her face brightened. ‘Oh, hello, Dr McGuire. We weren’t expecting you.’

‘I was in the area so I thought I’d call.’ Ally followed her through into the kitchen.

‘Geoff’s out, actually.’

Something about Mary’s overly casual tone made Ally’s eyes narrow. ‘Anywhere nice?’

‘Oh, you know…’ Mary giggled nervously and flicked the switch on the kettle. ‘Would you join me for a coffee?’

‘I’d love one,’ Ally said honestly. She’d skipped having one at the surgery because she hadn’t wanted to bump into Sean. ‘So how are things?’

‘Fine,’ Mary said with a bright smile, and then she met Ally’s eyes and her smile faded. ‘No, they’re not fine, actually.’

‘Is he drinking again?’ Ally’s voice was gentle but Mary shook her head.

‘No. Well, at least he certainly isn’t at home.’ She frowned and thought for a moment. ‘No, I know he isn’t. I’ve lived with it for long enough. I’d recognise the signs.’

‘So what’s worrying you?’ Ally took the mug of coffee Mary offered but declined a biscuit. ‘Thanks.’

Mary sagged onto one of the kitchen stools, her face tired and pale. ‘He just doesn’t seem himself.’

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