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Kisses at Sunset

Page 125

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Relief washed over her as she called to her daughter. ‘There you are, darling, he’s home.’

‘Oh, Mum!’ Charlie leapt from her stool and dashed to the front door, falling on the dog who stood there wagging his tail.

Ally dried him off, settled Charlie into bed and had a quick bath herself, wrapping her wet hair in a towel before returning to the living room where the dog was sprawled in front of the blazing fire.

‘You’re in big trouble, mate,’ she muttered, taking a handful of fur and pulling it gently.

Hero whined and stuck his nose in her hand. The whine turned to a growl and he barked as someone rapped on the door.

Ally froze. Sean, of course. Well, she could hardly ignore it, could she? At least she’d pulled her jeans back on after her bath, instead of getting ready for bed.

Pulling herself together, she padded across the wooden floor and jerked open the front door.

‘Is he back?’ Sean came straight to the point and she nodded.

‘Half an hour ago. Thanks for looking after Charlie…’ She gave him a polite smile and went to close the door, but he was too quick for her, planting a foot in the door and shouldering his way past her.

‘I’ve let you avoid me for a week. That’s long enough.’

Her heart galloped uncontrollably and she gripped the doorhandle. ‘I’m not avoiding you, I just—’

‘Close the door, Ally, you’re letting out the heat.’ His expression was grim. She hesitated and did as he ordered.

‘I think Geoff Thompson might be depressed.’ Maybe if she kept the conversation professional she could avoid having to talk about more painful things. Like the fact he didn’t love her and never would. ‘Mary says he’s—’

‘I don’t give a damn about the Thompsons. I want to talk about us.’

His legs were planted firmly apart in a gesture of pure male domination and she wrapped her arms round her body and gave a little shiver. It was because she’d just come out of the bath, of course. ‘There is no us.’

‘There was on Saturday night,’ he said with brutal frankness, and she turned her head away so that she didn’t have to look at him, the sudden action loosening the towel around her head. Her damp hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders and she heard the hiss of his indrawn breath.

‘For goodness’ sake, Ally, I don’t understand what this is all about.’ He closed his hands over her shoulders and pulled her towards him. ‘I didn’t force you…’

‘No.’ She gave a shake of her head, her eyes bleak. ‘No, you didn’t force me.’

‘I know I hurt you and I’m sorry. Is that what’s wrong?’ His voice was rough and she coloured at the intimacy of his question.

‘No. You were—’ Her throat clogged and she coughed. Oh, hell! ‘It was fine.’

‘Fine?’ He gave her a little shake. ‘Fine?’

‘Oh, what do you want me to say?’ Suddenly she was shouting at him. ‘It was fantastic. It was the single most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life—there, are you satisfied now?’

He looked totally baffled. ‘So why are you avoiding me?’

Her anger dissipated and she felt suddenly tired. ‘Because you wish it had never happened.’

His hands fell to his sides and a muscle worked in his cheek. ‘That’s not true.’

She jerked away from him, the towel around her shoulders sliding to the floor. ‘It is true, Sean, and we both know it. Let’s be honest here for five minutes, shall we? I love you. I love you with every bone in my body…’ She saw him tense slightly and gave a short laugh. ‘Oh, I know you don’t want to hear that, but it’s the truth, and if you really want to know why I’m avoiding you then you’d better hear the truth—and the truth is, we don’t want the same thing.’

He was frowning. ‘I never wanted a one-night stand.’

‘Oh?’ Her eyes were bright with tears. ‘So you wouldn’t have minded second helpings?’

‘Dammit, it wasn’t like that and you know it.’ His dark eyes were alight with anger and suddenly she sagged, the fight gone. She just wanted him to go, too.

‘Forget it, Sean. You’ve made your position more than clear.’

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