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Kisses at Sunset

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‘Well, you’re not going on your own!’ He stared at her and then gave a wry smile. ‘I’m starting to learn how stubborn you are, so shall we compromise for once? We’ll both go.’

Ally frowned as he jangled a set of keys. ‘You won’t get through in your car.’

‘Will’s already lent me his four-wheel drive for my calls.’ Sean shrugged on a heavy jacket. ‘Are you sure you’re up to this?’

She nodded, wrapping a scarf around her neck and pushing her hands into her pockets. ‘Absolutely. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I love delivering babies.’

He gave a short laugh. ‘I’m glad one of us does because it’s certainly not my strong point.’

Ally followed him out to Will’s Range Rover, relieved to sit down. She felt awful. What would happen if she felt like this for the whole nine months?

All along the road to Felicity’s they passed abandoned vehicles, some strewn haphazardly across the road where their drivers had obviously become stuck in the snow and slush. The snow was worse as they approached Felicity’s, but Sean handled Will’s vehicle with enviable ease, negotiating patches of ice and heavy slush in his usual cool manner.

Felicity’s husband was standing in the doorway when they arrived, waving his arms frantically.

‘Is he a panicker or is she delivering?’ Sean switched off the engine and they both hurried down the path.

Hugh greeted them with relief. ‘She’s pushing!’

‘Well, tell her to try not to, Hugh!’ Ally elbowed her way past Sean and took the stairs two at a time, forgetting how exhausted she felt.

Felicity was crouched on the floor at the foot of the bed, her hair tangled and her face blotched with crying.

‘Oh, Dr McGuire, thank goodness you’re here. I’ve been so scared…after the awful time I had with the others.’

‘Everything will be just fine, Felicity,’ Ally soothed gently, stroking her patient’s hair and giving her shoulders a quick squeeze. ‘You’ve had an excellent pregnancy and there’s no reason why this birth shouldn’t be the nicest, calmest experience you’ve ever had. Now then, I need to examine you so let’s get you back on the bed.’

With Hugh and Sean helping, she manoeuvred Felicity onto the bed. Ally then scrubbed her hands and snapped on a pair of sterile gloves.

‘OK, let’s take a look.’ With infinite care she examined Felicity, discovering that the cervix was fully dilated.

‘Oh, that hurts so much!’ Felicity screwed up her face and Ally finished her examination, tugging off the gloves and giving the labouring woman a smile.

‘Well, this baby isn’t hanging around!’ She glanced at Sean, who was looking tense and edgy.

‘Can you open the delivery pack, Dr Nicholson, and draw up the Syntometrine?’ Sh

e turned to Felicity’s husband. ‘Hugh, can you fetch some candles and play a tape with something really soothing on it—any Schubert string quartets?’

Hugh gaped at her. ‘Well, yes, actually, but—’

‘Great.’ Ally rearranged the pillows and made Felicity comfortable. ‘Fetch them, will you? Now, Felicity, you can lie down if you like, but you might find it easier to go back on the floor where you were and squat. What do you think?’

Felicity clutched her hand. ‘I don’t know. I just think it’s all going so wrong.’

Ally slipped her arm round her patient’s shoulders and gave her a hug. ‘It’s not going wrong at all, Felicity. It’s perfect. Trust me.’

Felicity gave her a wobbly smile and allowed them to help her back onto the floor.

‘Pass me some of those towels, Hugh,’ Ally ordered, spreading them carefully beneath Felicity. ‘That’s it. There. Now, doesn’t the room look nice with those candles?’

It did. Warm and calm, and suddenly Felicity seemed to relax. ‘I’ve got another contraction coming.’

Ally snapped on a fresh pair of gloves. ‘OK, push down with the pain. That’s it. Good girl. I can see the head, Felicity. Lots of dark hair.’

‘Ooh…’ Felicity groaned and reached out for Hugh.

‘Stand behind her and support her under her arms,’ Ally suggested, and he did just that, holding her while she laboured.

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