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A Proposal to Remember

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He was enjoying the simplicity of their relationship.

‘And what if she goes to the press once she finds out who you are?’

Carlo’s fingers tightened on his coat. ‘Then I’ll have made a serious error of judgement.’

* * *

Carlo hadn’t laid a finger on her.

Zan pulled her coat over her uniform the next morning and tried to squash the feelings of disappointment.

They’d spent the whole evening together and he hadn’t even kissed her properly. About a dozen times she’d thought he was going to—at one point he’d seemed to be within kissing distance every time she’d turned around—but he hadn’t made that final move. Obviously he wasn’t as frustrated as she was. She was beginning to wish she hadn’t said no on the first night.

She’d wanted him to slow down, not stop altogether!

She stepped out of the lift and through the door that led to the street, gasping as the cold hit her. It had stopped snowing but the air was freezing and her breath made smoky clouds ahead of her as she hurried along the pavement towards the hospital.

It was still fairly early but the roads were already busy and there were several other people walking to work, heads down against the cold.

Uneasy after her experience with the muggers, Zan glanced briefly over her shoulder, checking that no one was following her. The only person behind her was an elderly woman with a stick and on the other side of the road a broad-shouldered man in a long coat strode briskly, paying no attention to her whatsoever.

She relaxed slightly but still felt considerable relief when she reached the hospital gates and hurried inside.

The unit was as busy as ever and Zan made her way to the antenatal clinic.

Kim was looking harassed. ‘Just tell me, what happened nine months ago?’

Zan dragged the scarf off her neck and raised an eyebrow. ‘Frankly, I have trouble remembering what happened yesterday. Why are you asking about nine months ago?’

‘Because I want to know why there are so many women delivering this week,’ Kim muttered, staggering under the weight of a pile of notes that she was carrying back to the desk. ‘Did I miss a wild party or something? I’m trying to count back and work it out.’

Zan laughed. ‘Don’t be a misery. Christmas babies are always really special. I’m still hoping that Helen will have her twins on Christmas Day.’

Kim gave her an incredulous look. ‘Don’t you want to eat your turkey in peace?’

Zan gave a wistful smile. ‘I just think it would be really exciting if the twins were born on Christmas Day.’

‘You need your head examined.’ Kim glanced up with a smile as a very pregnant woman approached the desk. ‘Hello, Millie. How have you been?’

Zan picked up the first set of notes and walked through to her consulting room to begin the clinic.

She saw a steady stream of patients and it was lunchtime before she caught up with Kim again.

‘Are you joining me in the canteen for lunch?’ Kim’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. ‘I want to hear episode two of your story.’

Episode two had been decidedly non-eventful, Zan reflected gloomily. Lots of tension but absolutely no action. Carlo hadn’t even kissed her. Apart from the brief touch of his lips when he’d left her for the night. And that hadn’t really been a kiss. More a tease.

She gave a slow smile as a suspicion grew in her mind.

Was he playing games with her?

Was he trying to drive her wild?

Maybe that was exactly what he was trying to do.

Suddenly cheered, she smiled at Kim. ‘I’m popping out at lunchtime to buy a present for my brother.’ It was true. She still had a couple more things to buy. ‘But I’m still free tonight for that pizza.’

She and Kim had arranged to go out the previous week and she’d been looking forward to it.

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