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A Proposal to Remember

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‘He’d be a brilliant father. Oh, help!’ Zan sighed. ‘What’s happened to me? I used to be cautious and rational. Now I want to have his babies.’

‘Love is never rational,’ Kim said dryly. ‘When are you seeing him again?’

‘Tonight.’ Zan blushed slightly. ‘He’s staying the night so that we can open our presents together tomorrow morning. He’s on call tomorrow.’

‘So tonight’s the night.’ Kim looked at her curiously. ‘Spending Christmas together sounds pretty romantic to me.’

‘Well, his family is all in Italy and I can’t get home so it seemed like a good idea.’ Zan shrugged dismissively and Kim laughed.

‘Stop making it sound like a business arrangement. You’re not fooling me. What have you got planned?’

Nothing she could share with her friend.

Fortunately, before she could answer there was a knock on the door and one of the other elves stuck her head round, her eyes twinkling with fun.

‘Message from Father Christmas—the reindeer are playing up and he needs some elves desperately. He’s waiting for us by the main entrance.’

‘Reindeer?’ Kim and Zan exchanged baffled looks and made their way to the hospital entrance.

Zan pushed open the revolving doors and then stopped with a gasp of amazement.

Immediately in front of the hospital was a sleigh straight out of a fairy-tale, decorated with delicate silver chains and tiny lights and pulled by six brown reindeer with knobbly antlers and velvety noses, their breath producing clouds of steam in the frosty air.

Carlo sat holding the reins, a huge sack bulging on the seat behind him.

He was dressed as Father Christmas, most of his face concealed under a ridiculous white beard. ‘Hurry up, elves. I’m never going to get down all the chimneys at this rate.’

Zan gave a laugh of delight and jumped into the sleigh next to him. ‘I can’t believe you found a sleigh. Did you arrange this?’

‘What use is Santa without his reindeer?’ His face was barely visible under the white beard that he was wearing. Then he smiled at her and bent his head for a kiss.

A laughing Kim jumped up next to them. ‘Hey, this is a family show!’

They broke apart reluctantly and Carlo ran a gentle finger down Zan’s flushed cheek.

‘What exactly are an elf’s duties?’ His voice was husky with passion and Zan smiled.

‘We’re here to service your every need, Father Christmas.’

‘Glad to hear it.’ He gave her a sexy wink.

The other nurse jumped onto the sleigh and for the first time Zan noticed a girl standing next to the reindeer, holding their reins.

Once everyone was settled on the sleigh, the girl led the first pair of reindeer forward and the others followed, pulling the sleigh down the path and onto the lawn behind the children’s ward.

Despite the cold and the snow, the doors had been flung open and excited children gathered in the doorway, their faces pink with delight. Those who were confined to bed had been pushed as close as possible to the window so that everyone could have a look.

Carlo said something to the girl who was helping him and she leaned forward and untied one of the reindeer, leading him carefully towards the children.

Carlo followed, leaping down from the sleigh and grabbing the bag of presents.

‘Ho, ho, ho, children,’ he bellowed, and Zan burst into a fit of giggles. He was the most convincing Father Christmas she’d ever seen.

He walked onto the ward and the children were soon clambering all over him, hugging him and trying to tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

Carlo listened intently and nodded and then indicated to the elves that they should give out presents.

Kim, Zan and the other nurse dipped into the enormous sack and pulled out boxes wrapped in blue and pink, passing them into eager little hands.

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