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A Proposal to Remember

Page 56

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She fingered them gingerly, almost afraid to touch the delicate fabric.

‘Put them on.’ His eyes burned into hers. ‘If you don’t get dressed now, I won’t be able to undress you later.’

She blushed at the reminder that she was still naked, and slipped her arms into the pyjama top, loving the way the silk slithered over her skin.

‘They’re gorgeous.’ She gazed down at herself and then up at him. ‘I’ve never worn anything so beautiful.’


He smiled with satisfaction and waited for her to finish dressing. ‘Now come with me.’

Still fingering the pyjamas with awe, she followed him through to the living room and gave a smile of delight when she saw the stocking stuffed full of presents lying under the tree.


He bent his head and kissed her gently. ‘Much, much more.’

She stood on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around his neck, loving the feel of his rough jaw against her skin.

‘What did I do to deserve you?’

Something flickered across his face, but it was gone in an instant and he waved a hand at the bulging stocking.

‘Get started. I’ll fetch the coffee.’

Zan knelt down on the cushions and reached for the stocking, squeezing it as she had as a child.

‘Very lumpy and bumpy.’ She laughed. ‘This used to be my favourite game as a child. Guessing the present. I used to break half of them before Christmas Day because I’d poked them so much.’

He sprawled alongside her and handed her a coffee. ‘Drink this. It will wake you up.’

‘I’m awake.’ She was tugging the first present out of the stocking and ripping at the paper. ‘Oh!’ She picked up the pretty doll and smiled at him. ‘You certainly pay attention, I’ll give you that.’

‘You said you’d never had one.’

‘I know.’ She stroked the doll’s hair wistfully. ‘She’s beautiful.’

She worked her way down the stocking, touched by the thought that he’d put into each present. There was a book, a beautiful pen, a soft cashmere jumper in a shade of green that she knew would suit her and beautiful, feminine underwear.

‘You bought me so much.’ She glanced at him, embarrassed, knowing that she’d only bought him a few things and hadn’t spent nearly so much.

‘Put your hand in the bottom of the stocking,’ he suggested, leaning forward to see what she was doing. ‘There should be one more parcel.’

Zan did as she was told and withdrew a small, flat box wrapped in silver paper and bows.

‘Gosh, this is elaborate.’ She undid the bow, removed the paper and flipped open the box, and her face broke into a smile. ‘My diamonds!’

Lying in the box were a pair of the prettiest earrings she’d ever seen.

‘Do you like them?’ He sounded strangely uncertain and she leaned forward to kiss him.

‘I love them. They’re perfect.’ She lifted them out of the box and held them up to the light, watching as they twinkled and shone. ‘They’re huge! Imagine if they were real.’

There was a long silence and Carlo cleared his throat, sounding distinctly uncomfortable.

‘Zan, listen—’

Suddenly aware that she might have sounded rude, Zan interrupted him.

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