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A Proposal to Remember

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‘An epidural can drop your blood pressure so we put up a drip to prevent that happening.’

Half an hour later Abby was sitting up and smiling, the pain a distant memory.

‘This is like magic!’

Nico was looking slightly more relaxed. ‘It was a good idea. I should have let you have it sooner.’

‘We wouldn’t have given it much earlier,’ Zan told him, ‘because it can switch off the contractions. The cervix has to be more than three centimetres dilated.’

She checked Abby’s pulse, blood pressure and breathing, as well as monitoring her contractions and the foetal heart.

‘Can you check every fifteen minutes?’ The anaesthetist gave her some instructions and talked to her about topping up the epidural.

Carlo was

checking the foetal heart. ‘The baby is doing fine,’ he said quietly.

Nico raked a hand through his hair. ‘So what happens now?’

‘We wait,’ Carlo said. ‘But don’t expect this to be quick.’

Abby sighed. ‘I feel guilty. You two should be at home, celebrating Christmas.’

Remembering how special Christmas Eve had been, Zan briefly met Carlo’s eyes and then looked away.

Was it too late for them?

Did she trust him?

She was suddenly frustrated that they were surrounded by people. She didn’t know when she was going to get the chance to talk to him again. She didn’t know what his plans were.

And why was he still at the hospital when those men were on the loose?

Carlo seemed unconcerned, concentrating his attention on Abby and the baby, checking the foetal heart-rate with each contraction.

‘The baby seems fine but your bladder isn’t emptying properly,’ Zan said, having examined Abby again. ‘We need to put a catheter in.’

Abby pulled a face. ‘That didn’t happen to me when I had Rosa.’

Carlo gave a rueful smile. ‘This baby is in a different position, I’m afraid.’

Zan washed her hands and fetched a catheter pack, aware that Nico was looking more and more tense.

By contrast Carlo was relaxed and in control, nothing about his manner betraying his concern. In fact, Zan was surprised that he hadn’t interfered more, but he seemed content to let her manage the labour.

They made Abby more comfortable and continued to stay with her. Nico left once more to get some coffee and breathe some fresh air, but apart from that he was by his wife’s side for the whole time.

It was growing dark outside when Abby screwed up her face. ‘I want to push.’

Zan examined her again and shook her head. ‘Not yet. You’re not fully dilated.’

Abby gave a sob. ‘So why do I have the need to push?’

‘Because of the way the baby is lying,’ Carlo said quietly, sitting on the side of the bed and taking her hand. ‘If you push now you will bruise your cervix.’

They helped Abby to breathe gently, encouraging her not to push, and then finally Zan was satisfied that the cervix was fully dilated.

Nico looked at Carlo, his jaw tense. ‘At what point do you operate?’

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