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A Proposal to Remember

Page 105

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‘We put a notice up saying that anyone not wishing to be filmed simply has to say so.’

Anna glanced at the wall, scanned the notice and scowled. ‘Well, the Craddocks weren’t exactly reading the notices on the wall when they came in here, were they? They wouldn’t even have seen it!’

John Craddock rubbed the back of his neck and cast a glance towards his daughter, who was now sitting on his wife’s lap. ‘Can’t honestly say I mind if they show it, Dr Riggs. Not if it saves someone else. What do you think, Michelle?’

His wife gave a wavering smile. She was still very pale from the experience. ‘To be honest, I’m only too pleased for other people to learn the risks of not drinking straight from cans in the summer. It had never even occurred to me. And I worry about everything when it comes to the kids!’

Anna released a breath, unable to argue with that. It was an important health education message, that was true, and something that people often overlooked in the summer months when the weather was hot and wasps were abundant. ‘Well, I suppose if you don’t mind…’

John grinned. ‘Just tell me when it’s going to be shown, so that I can tell everyone who knows me.’

‘We’ll certainly do that.’ The producer smiled, standing to one side as the paramedics prepared to take Lucy to the hospital. ‘It’ll be part of our series on summer health.’

Sam picked up his bag, helped himself to a few extra pieces of equipment that he thought he might need and gave Anna a nod. ‘I won’t be long. I’ll just hand over and then catch a lift back.’

‘Fine. I’ve got paperwork to do anyway. We’ll delay that lunch. If there’s going to be a camera stuck in my face every time I turn round, I definitely want to be part of the discussion.’

In fact, they didn’t need to delay lunch for long.

Sam was back within the hour and the news on Lucy was good. ‘She’s stable now but they’re keeping her in overnight. Now, let’s get on with the meeting before the sandwiches curl. Glenda, are you joining us for this?’

‘Oh, Dr McKenna…’ Slightly breathless, Glenda glanced at them nervously, her hand shaking slightly as she smoothed her hair. ‘I was thinking of popping home in my lunch-break, if that’s all right with you. But I could come if you’d rather…’

‘Not at all,’ Sam said easily, giving her a smile that made Glenda visibly relax. ‘Have a nice lunch. See you later.’

Glenda vanished through the door so hastily that her bag tangled on the handle. With a murmured exclamation she tugged it free and hurried off without looking back, clearly in a hurry and very flustered.

Sam’s smile faded. ‘There goes a very stressed woman.’

Anna nodded, pacing over to the window and watching as Glenda virtually sprinted down the street towards the harbour. She knew that the receptionist would be home within five minutes. But why the hurry?

‘You’re right,’ she said quietly. ‘Something is very wrong and I feel very guilty that it took you to point it out.’

Sam strolled across the reception area and stood next to her. ‘Just one of the advantages of having an injection of fresh blood in the practice.’

‘Don’t.’ She glanced up at him, her expression troubled. For once she wasn’t in the mood to argue with him. ‘It worries me that I didn’t notice.’

‘Why should you have noticed? You’re not superwoman.’ He lifted a hand and brushed a strand of dark hair away from her face. The gesture was so unexpected that she jumped as though she’d received an electric shock.

‘Just because we’ve managed to be civil to each other for the past half an hour, don’t think you can take liberties, McKenna.’ Thoroughly unsettled by the sudden wild increase in her pulse rate, she glared at him and he glared back.

‘Just clearing your vision, Riggs. You need a haircut or you’re going to trip on the stairs.’

She resisted the temptation to lift a hand to her hair. She always wore her hair long and he knew it.

‘You know, it would make for riveting television if you let us film the two of you working together for the whole series.’ The voice of Polly came from behind them and they both turned. ‘There’s a tremendous chemistry between you. The room just pulses with energy whenever you’re together. And the best thing is that you two don’t even seem aware of it.’


Anna gaped at her. ‘The sort of chemistry that causes an explosion,’ she muttered darkly, and Sam grinned.

‘I don’t think our Anna sees herself as a film star, Polly.’

The producer looked thoughtful. ‘Well, a lot of people are resistant to the thought of being filmed but once they get used to it they usually find they forget about the cameras and just get on with the job. That’s one of the reasons that these fly-on-the-wall documentaries are so successful. The viewers feel as though they’re genuinely part of what’s going on.’ The producer tipped her head on one side and narrowed her eyes. ‘Even without looking at what we just filmed, I can tell that you’re going to look fabulous on camera. Gorgeous.’

Anna glared at both of them. ‘I do not want to be filmed.’

‘Fine by me.’ Sam suppressed a yawn. ‘Personally I think it would be pretty hard to find your good side anyway.’

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