Family For Beginners - Page 39

When she opened the door there was a tray on the table by the window. On it was a bowl of soup and a warm bread roll.

Flora was just settling down to eat her lonely dinner when the door burst open and Jack strode into the room.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Of course.” Her breathing wasn’t something she usually noticed, but each time she saw Jack she became aware of the unsteady, uneven in and out. Looking at him sometimes made her feel dizzy. She found herself studying every part of him, from the angle of his jaw to the slope of his cheekbones to try to work out what it was that made him special.

He pulled her to her feet. “Are you really upset? Why didn’t you tell me instead of hiding up here on your own?”

“I’m not hiding—and I’m not upset. I mean, it hasn’t been the best day of my life, but I’m fine. I’ll find somewhere else, or maybe the landlord will fix it—”

“You are not going back to that place.” His arms tightened round her, providing the security she’d just lost. “You’re staying here until we find a better option. A much better option.”

“It isn’t fair on your kids for me to move in like this. It’s unsettling.”

“You’re a friend. I want my kids to grow up knowing we should help our friends.” He eased her away from him. “You’ve been alone for most of your life, Flora. But that’s not the case anymore. You have us now.”

She felt warm inside. Cocooned. Supported. His arms felt like a sanctuary.

“How is Molly?”

“Sorting through her things to find something that will help you feel at home. Don’t be surprised if you find your bed full of soft toys next time you open the door. I assumed you were going to unpack your things and come and join us.”

“I had a soak in the tub.”

“Good. But that doesn’t explain why you insisted on eating in your room.”

Was that how Izzy had presented it?

This conversation was like walking barefoot over broken glass.

“I don’t want to intrude on your time with your girls.”

“We’re really happy to have you here. I know you’ve had a tough day. I can understand why you’d want to hide away, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. You need to get to know the girls. I want that.” He stroked her curls away from her face.

“I thought, maybe—” How could she put this? “I know you eat together every day at six. It’s family time, and I respect that.”

“What are you talking about?” He let his hand drop. “I’m rarely home by six. Izzy and Molly usually eat together and I join them when I can. Mealtimes are rarely fluid or routine in this house.”


“Also—” He rubbed his fingers over his forehead. “This is a little awkward, but we have a rule that no one eats in their rooms. If we’re eating, we eat at the table. We talk. And I understand that today is an exception and that you’re upset, but is there any way you could eat downstairs with us? I can’t have one rule for the girls and another for you. I hope you understand.”

“I understand.” She understood all of it, including the fact that Izzy seemed determined to drive a wedge between her and Jack.

She couldn’t tell him, of course. That was out of the question.

Jack scooped up the tray and walked to the door.

“Let’s go. The girls are waiting. And tonight, when the girls are in bed, you and I are sharing a bottle of wine on the terrace.”

Flora had visions of taking a sip and collapsing on the terrace, poisoned.

Trying to calm her imagination, Flora followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen where the girls were already seated.

As soon as Flora walked into the room, Izzy put her spoon down. “Is there something wrong with your food?”

“Flora is eating at the table with us.” Jack unloaded the tray that Izzy had carefully laid.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024